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Jake p.o.v

I'll follow Bella any wear.When we approached the porch she let go of my hand."I don't want Charlie to know yet."She said.I nodded my head.Now I couldn't hold her,or her hand.I'm strong,I can do this.Maybe I can pass of for just having a crush on her.We walked in the house seeing Charlie and Dad still into their Basket ball game.I followed Bella into the kitchen like a lost puppy.When we were alone I took her by the hand and pulled her in for a bear hug. We were interrupted by someone clearing their throat.Bella jumped out of my arms.Charlie stood at the door way with his arms crossed and an amused smile on his face.Bella started stuttering,Charlie held up his hands in surrender and walked to the fridge.Bella gave me a nervous look.He pulled out a cold beer from the fridge and turned around to face us."So...what's going on here."he said motioning to us."Umm,Nope,no,nothing here,same old same old."I stuttered,wishing he would leave."Okay."He said chuckling as he walked out slowly.

I sighed dreamily as Bella nuzzled her face into my neck.Bella,my Bella.

Bella p.o.v

"Heeeey sexy lady up up up uppan Gangman style."I slammed down on my alarm clock surprised it didn't break.I could hardly get out of bed,I was so damn tired.All my muscles were so relaxed.Five more minutes wouldn't hurt.I groaned as I realized it was Monday,school.Wait,it's Monday school!Reservation school,Jacob school!Why am I talking like this?

I jumped out of bed and flew to my closet.What to wear?I wonder what will impress Jake.It's way to cold for short shorts.I settled for skinny jeans.Would a pushup bra be too much?No,wait...yes.Okay,regular bra,tight shirt.I smiled to myself when I pictured Jake's face when he saw me.I had to go shoe shopping.I walked to Lilly's room and knocked on the door with my head peeking in.She was dancing and singing to this Britney Spears song."Lilly?"I said.She kept on dancing."Lilly!"I said louder.She turned to face me with a grin on her face.I swear she is just to perky sometimes.Her out fit was similar to mine but her shirt was hot pink,and her blond hair was pulled back into a tight pony tail."Whaty?"She asked."Do you have any shoes I can borrow?"I asked.She looked down at my bare feet.She went into her closet then she stopped scavenging threw her closet."Are you seeing Jake today?"She asked."Yeah"She continued going threw her closet,then pulled out black leather hight heeled boots.I happily took them"Lilly,I worship you."I said while running out while putting my boots on."Wake up Ronnie"I shouted while barging into his room.I lifted up the covers,no Ronnie.I went down stairs putting a pop tart in the toaster.I found a note attached to the fridge addressed to me and Lilly.

"I'm taking Ronnie to school,then heading over to the station.Good luck at school.

P.S What do you do and how do you do it.I guess I can't buy you a car any more.


Lilly came down stairs,she took both pop-tarts and threw one in my direction.I quickly caught it with my wolfie reflexes as I was walking to the window.No fucking way.I let out a loud squeal.Lilly came right next to me"What happened B-"She cut herself off when she saw a shiny black motorcycle next to our cars.Steven came to the window."Surprise!"He shouted."Oh my fucking Gosh Steven I love you!"I yelled as I ran out to hug him."Charlie will kill me."I stated,to happy to be bothered by it.When we left California we had to leave my motorcycle,her name was Jenifer. Okay,okay,I named my motorcycle. A lot of people do that!I quickly got my school bag,and swallowed my pop-tart.I took the keys from Steven and hugged him one more time."Good luck at school!"He said."I don't need it."I sated and winked.Before Lilly hopped into her car she dropped Somthing into my hand. Makeup. Duh,how can I forget.I put on some mascara and clear lipgloss.That's all I need.I put the make up in my bag.I almost forgot,as Lilly pulled out of the drive way I ran inside and took my twenty dollar sun glasses and leather jacket out.There wasn't that much sun out,but they were just for effect.I pulled on my jacket and ran outside.Lilly's car was already gone.I sat on my motorcycle and took a deep breath.I put the key in ignition and it roared to life.I will definitely be the center of attention this week.Good thing,or bad thing.I have no idea.

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