Jefforson school

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When we reached my first class,calculus,Jake let go of my hand and sighed."A whole forty five minuets."

We were interrupted by the loud piercing ring of the bell.He pulled me aside and we let the other students go into the class."A whole forty five minuets."

He repeated.He's so cute.I patted him on the cheek twice and went into my class.I hung my jacket like everyone else and went to the teachers desk to get him to sign my attendance slip.He took a pen out of a mug on his desk and signed it.He gave it back to me and smiled.Thank god he didn't make me introduce my self.I spotted Lilly sitting in the back motioning to the empty seat next to her.I'm glad I could sit next to her.This class was a breeze for her.She'd let me cheat of her paper.I could feel everyone's eyes on me as I walked to the back of the class.The teacher,I think his name was Mr.Benson,started writing a equation on the whiteboard.Jesus Christ!

Letters AND numbers.Wow,I sound pretty stupid.I didn't worry because when I looked over to Lilly she wore a confused expression on her face..He must have got something wrong.She raised one eyebrow and started mumbling to her self.Mr.Benson heard this,I'm not sure how,and turned around."Problem Lilly?"

He asked.Lilly turned around to give me that'Bitch please' smile."Well Mr.Benson"She started.

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