can love save him

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                  (6 months later)

It was lunch time. I sat down with Jimmy. "Where's Kenny I haven't seen him yet." I ask him. I pull out my phone and earbuds and listen to some music. "I d-don't know where your b-b-boyfriend is." He said. " Shut up Jimmy were not dating were just friends." "That's what Craig said." I punch him in the shoulder. Kyle ran over looking like he had just seen a ghost. "G-guys you need to come see this quick." He said as we followed him. 5 minutes later we were at the tower next to city wok. I gasped.

                  (Craig's pov)

"Kenny you don't have to do this!" I yelled. "But I'm worthless. I can't do anything right." He said calmly. I heard footsteps and saw kyle back with Jimmy and Pat. "Kenny its ok, you don't have to do this, everything will be ok." Kyle said. I could see Pat was at a loss for words. But he walked up. "Kenny. Why. Why are you doing this. You know if you jump I'll jump to." He said trying to scare him out of it. Butters came up. And gave a solute? "Ok kenny you know what will happen if you jump off right?" What is that idiot doing! Kenny nodded then He got off the legde.
"Ok my work here is done." He said walking away.

                     (Kenny's pov)

'Well then I guess this is it.' I thought to myself as I stepped back. I felt the wind blow through my hair. "Well I guess this is good bye." Pat said. His pale expression reminds me of when we first met. He pulls out a knife and puts it at his neck. "Pat stop, don't to that." Kyle said. "I'm going to give Kenny the example of how it will feel if he does this. How it will affect his friends." He said in a calm manner. "First is suffering." He said. He slashed his palm open and showed to me while wincing in pain. I looked at him with wide eyes. "Next is pain." He said. He took the knife and cut open his left arm. I gasped. I stepped off the edge and ran towards him. "You fucking maniac." I say. I rip my shirt off to cover the wounds. "This will help." I say wrapping my shirt around his arm. I put my parka back on and carry him down. We drag him to the hospital.

                      (1 month later)

I wake up and get out of bed. And leave Pat lying there asleep. I see my mom and dad arguing as always As I get ready for shcool. I see Pat wake up. "Mornin' Buddy." I say. He throws on his bag as he goes outside. I follow him out there and punch him. "I love you to." He says sarcastically while  lighting a cigarette. He starts smoking as we walk to school. "So what do you want to do?" I ask putting my arm around him. "Date someone else." He said in a joking manner. I punch in the gut and he spits out his cigarette. I laugh. "Wow thanks." He said coughing. When we made it to school we saw Craig and Tweek going at it.
"PUT YOUR HANDS WHERE I CAN SEE THEM!" Pat yelled trying to scare them. Of course it worked on Tweek. We start laughing. "Go fuck with someone else!" Craig Said with anger in his eyes. "Ooh yeah reeeaaallll scary." I said sarcastically. The bell rings and we ahead to class.

                  (Timeskip to lunch)

I sat down with Pat and the other's. "You two our awful silent." Kyle said winking at us. "Leave them be. Its only been 2 days since they started dating." Token said. "Yes I know that but tomorrow is valentines day." Stan said smirking. "Leave us alone. This isn't funny. Ever since we starte-." I was interrupted by a kiss from Pat. 5 seconds
We pulled apart. "Just shut up bro." He said to me as we saw Pip and Damien come over. They sat next to Tweek. Clyde and Token walked away dragging Jimmy with them. "Well then." Pip said breaking the silence. "What should we do."  "Maybe we sho-." I was interrupted by the bell. We all stood up and went to gym.
                        (Pat's pov)

I hate gym class but I have to go anyway. We run our 6 laps around the track because 'how dare us not want to play tackle football.' We laid in the grass and waited for the other's. 10 minutes later of kissing and pure boredom Stan, Kyle and Tweek show up.
"Where's the smurf." Kenny said laughing. "Playing football. And he's not a smurf." Tweek said getting defensive. We played some games but mostly kept to our selves.

                 (Timeskip after school)

We all got together and walked to my house. My mom was barely ever home so I could do mostly whatever I wanted. They all went into the basement while I got soda's. I went down and we started reminiscing over good and bad times. I sat in Kenny's lap and we started to play some games.


I look at my watch. 7:56  We head out to pick up some food and go back to my place. We stayed up until 1:43 am and slept.  

I woke up to Kenny in my face and everyone hugging each other. It was Valentine's day. I usually hate this day but not this year. This year I had someone to be with. Well to be honest, someone who cared. I get up change clothes and grab my backpack with Kenny never leaving my side. We head to school as me and Kenny both pop out a cigarette. "To getting ourselves killed one day!" He said as we bumped out cigarettes together. School went by fast. I checked my Phone.

Kenny❤: Meet me at the tower at 7:30

Me: it's a date.

Kenny❤: of course it is

                    (3 hours pass)

I start getting ready and head out I see Kenny on the top waiting. I climb up. We sit leaning on each other as we watch the sunset. We were together and that's all that matters. We take a deep breath and kiss next to the beautiful sunset. I was with someone. Someone who cared. Someone who loved me for who I am. And for the first time in years.

I was happy.

The End

Good ending for a good story. There will be a sequal to this called Life Is Pain. Anyway thanks for reading. Goodbye

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2020 ⏰

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