One stormy night in seoul

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It's 11:49 PM and it was raining cats and dogs outside in Seoul, Korea. Mark, the most handsome guy at his school, was about to go to bed when suddenly hears girls screaming,"MARK OPPAAAA!!"

With a frightened expression on his face, Mark grabs his jacket, puts in his shoes and run out of the house as fast as possible. Mark is always getting stalked or chased by girls because he has the best face, body, and the grades. Every girl wants him, but the problem was that he had a mean attitude towards girls. There even was a rumor about him being gay...

Nayeon's POV

I live with my older brother and sister because my mom and dad had gone to Australia to travel there."NAYEONNNN!" yells my brother and I run to his room to see what was up.I enter his room seeing him with two large suitcases in his room. "What's up?" I ask him.

Brother:"Me and your sister had decided to go to Australia to meet mom and dad."

Nayeon: "And so?"

Brother:"You are going to be all alone in the house for a few weeks"

Nayeon:"Why are you guys going to Australia anyways?"

Brother:"Because mom and dad are going to stay longer then they have planned and they have something for us?"

Nayeon:"Why don't they just mail it?"

Brother:"Cuz me and Bom(Bom is their sister and the name is also known as spring in Korean, sometimes call her spring) want to see mom and dad and you have school and we don't, so we're just going to visit without you. We left $5,000 which you could use while we're gone"

Nayeon:"Ok then, as long as there is money"

Brother:"Were going to leave in 2 hours but we don't have any snacks so I was wondering if you could go buy it for me"

Nayeon:"In this weather?!"

Brother:"Yea, we have to board a plane later and I don't want to get wet^^"

Nayeon:"Ok fine"

Brother:"Thank you my little baby sister!! I love you!!"

Nayeon:"What ever~"

I get out my warmest coat with my umbrella and run out. As I was walking to the mart, I hear people screaming and I run to see what's happening. While I was running to see what had happened, I bump my head hard into someone. I feel my phone drop from my pocket and bend down to pick it up. I hear a very soft and deep voice saying sorry. As I was about to say something, the person leaves and all I can see is a tall figure in the dark.

After bumping my head I notice that I lost my umbrella and I was getting all wet. Cold and lonely I walk into a small cafe and sit down drying my hair with my hands. I order hot coco and get out my phone to call my brother to inform him about what happened, I feel a different texture on my phone that I didn't feel earlier. As I took the phone out of my pocket, to my surprise, it wasn't my phone.

I turn the phone on and I see that it had a password on it. I just stare at it and typed in my own passcode from my phone, 0000. It unlocks by surprise and I decide to call my phone, but then the battery was all out and didn't have the chance to call. I had a galaxy, not a iPhone, so I didn't have the charger, and my brother and my sister was going to leave less than one hour. I run home and notice that they left early. I stare at the ceiling of the house,
wondering what I should do.

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