Chapter 1

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Idk how many of you know but this book was taken down because of two bitches who decided to gang on up on me attack me and my book, anygay they say the got triggered and what not; k bitch stay the fuck away.

So imma say this once this book has some disturbing themes, if can't take the heat get the fuck out the fucking kitchen.

I had an anxiety attack because of that whole fiasco but I'm fine now or at least I will be as time goes.

Also I will not be changing the age difference like no no no! There's a reason for that.

If you don't like the story or feel like its too much for you, then please just leave.

You see the that exit button on your phone?  Yep that one, tap on it and fuck off.

Don't spoil it for the majority that's enjoying the story,  just cause you don't like it doesn't mean others have to suffer for it too.
Keep calm and

Jeon Jungkook runs the Jeon Pack and is a mafia leader his name alone sends quakes of fear to whoever hears it because he's known for a short temper that can get anyone killed for the simplest things like asking a question or the bad weather yes jungkook gets ticked off by the smallest things that everyone seem afraid for his mate should he meet them even though he says he doesn't have time for bullshit mates , he would intentionally knot alphas , betas and omegas and get them pregnant only to kill them and feed from them nobody could understand how he could impregnate all ranks as it was impossible for anyone else to do that and the only pack that could accomplish that was extinct and while no one knew jungkook's origins no one had the balls big enough to question the monster on an Alpha.

Jungkook was inside one of his many cars being driven around after killing an entire police special force team singlehandedly for interfering in his businesses.

He always had his Windows slightly opened to catch scents he found interesting so he can fuck the owners of those scents and wether they wanted it or not jungkook always got what he wanted , call it rape or whatever but to jungkook no one has the fucking right to to refuse him and he would love it when they'd scream and try to deny him because he fucking loved breaking people , hell he lived for it.

To say jungkook was the most feared mafia alpha would be an understatement, people were fucking terrified of him and his dominance alone had alphas whining and forcefully submitting to him.

But all this reputation brings also a lot of enemies who want to take over jungkook's place as king of the underworld but has always been 10 steps ahead of his enemies not to mention the police that jungkook keeps on killing off every time they interfere in his life.

Today jungkook just felt being driven around aimlessly after his "exercise" not wanting to go to his mansion or clubs.

Maybe he just wanted to fuck someone till they died.....again.

But then it hit him damn it hit him like a fucking runaway train from hell....that scent that had his wolf howling in fucking joy.

Jungkook hated the words his wolf was gonna say next.
Mate! Mate!
And just like that the words he never wanted to hear in all of his twenty five years living were now stuck on him like a melted bubblegum.

Jungkook being the curious wolf he is ordered the car to a stand still and waited for his driver Jackson a beta to open the door for him.

When jungkook got out the beta bowed his before closing the door.

Jungkook stood on the pathway with his hands in his pockets , eyes closed taking in his mate's scent while Jackson stood by the car waiting for further instructions because he knew better than to disturb his boss in any point in time if he valued his life, in fact everyone knew this.

The beta would be lying if he said he wasn't affected by the scent too as it was too addicting but after watching the Alpha , Jackson knew that this scent didn't just belong to anyone but the Alpha's mate.

He prayed to the moon goddess that the said mate would try to change the Alpha's cold heart.

So i just wanted to add this before starting a new chapter also a quick fyi this jungkook is not gonna fall for jimin at first sight like my other Jeons in fact our mochi is really gonna suffer in this one sorry.

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