Chapter 8

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The Next day.

Jimin had an appointment with his stay in doctor.

The doctor's room was situated downstairs after everything was moved in last night.

Jungkook left early in morning to take care of some business or kill more people nobody knows.

"Good morning Luna" Dr Kim said as she stood up and bowed to Jimin who was escorted by a guard.

"Morning Doctor" Jimin greeted back feel anything but good as he helped to sit on the bed.

The Beta guard left the two alone to conduct whatever necessary tests that were needed.

The doctor smiled after closing the door and sat next to Jimin.

"How old are you Luna? If you don't mind me asking"

"I turned 16 not so long ago. That's when my family and I discovered I was a Golden Omega and we thought that would keep Alpha away but I guess not." Jimin's voice came cracked as he explained to the doctor.

"You're so Young Luna. You don't deserve to be treated like this" Dr Lim said caressing Jimin's cheek wiping away the tears that fell.

Jimin laid his head on the doctor's lap.

"You can trust me Luna. I won't tell Alpha what you tell me"

"Please call me Jimin."

"I can't do that Luna. The Alpha would have my tongue if he heard me."

"Okay but can call me by name when we're alone?"

The doctor smiled as she ran her hand in Jimin's. She wondered how such an innocent soul could be paired with a monster like Alpha Jeon. But she also remembered that her job was to destroy the Alpha from the inside. Weaken him so that her boss could come and finish the Alpha off but she didn't want to hurt Jimin but also had no choice since Jimin is the Alpha's only weakness.

"Of course Jimin."

And jimin smiled feeling like he could finally have some close to talk to.

"You know when my family didn't want me going with Alpha. I didn't understand. I was upset that they weren't happy for me but now I understand that they were only trying to protect me like they always did." Jimin sniffled.

"I'm sure you'll see them one day Jimin"

"No. Alpha won't allow them to see me. I heard the maids say so."

"I'm really sorry that you're going through this Jimin. You're such a sweet child."

"But why does Alpha hate Minnie so much? Is it because I'm still young? He treats me so bad it hurts" Jimin sobbed and the doctor rubbed on his back to soothe.

"You know Jimin I think he's just using you for power."

"But he barely talks to me"

"That's because he wants to keep you prisoner. Tell me Jimin has he ever let you go outside since you got here?"



"So what should I do?"

"I think you should reject him"

"What?! Isn't that wrong and painful?"

"No Jimin not in your case plus he's a strong Alpha he'll recover quickly and find someone else to torture."

"I...I don't know."

"Jimin you have to do this for yourself and your child"

"Okay I'll do it. But how?"

Alpha Jeon ♡Jikook♡Where stories live. Discover now