Not So Happy Birthday

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TW: character death, that's it I think

a/n: What's this? A new chapter?Wow! I finally updated.


"Hey, Y/N. Sorry for calling you in today, but I need answers."

Sheriff Forbes sat down in her chair and I sat across from her. I looked around her office; it looked the same from when I was last in here. A few photo frames on her neatly organized desk; files stacked up and pushed off to the side. The window blinds were open, the light from outside streaming in.

"It's no problem. What can I help you with?" I asked, even though I already knew the nature of her questions. She must be trying to find information on Vicky.

I know the full story, but of course, I couldn't tell her anything without sounding crazy. Who would believe that vampires, vampires of all things, would be real?

"Do you have any idea where Vicky is?" Bingo. I was right.

I shook my head, making a confused face, but not overdoing it, "No, sorry. Vicky and I aren't exactly friends."

"I know," she said exasperatedly. How many people has she interviewed? "But what was there anything she might have said that seemed off to you."

"I'm sorry, but no. Honestly, this seems like something she would do. Just disappear, you know?"

"You're right," she said as she adjusted in her chair, "I guess that's all I need from you."

I stand up to leave when she grabs my arm, "How are you doing?"

I knew she wasn't just asking how I felt today. She was asking how I felt in general. It was nice, you know, knowing that someone still cared.

"I'm... better. My aunt being here with me is helping. I still miss my parents, but I like to think that they're safe and had a reason for leaving."

I knew the real, or at least what might be true, reason they left, but I couldn't tell anyone without rousing suspicions.

She smiled at me, "Well, that's good. I'm happy for you. And I promise you that we'll find them one day." I smiled and nodded my head before leaving. The thing about promises was that they were easy to say, but hard to follow through.

When I walked outside, the bright light of the sun hit me. The wind was blowing slightly, tousling my hair around my face. I saw Elena and Stefan off to the side, talking. Probably discussing what happened.

A little bit ahead were Jeremy and Jenna standing by their car. Jenna noticed me and sent a wave my way. Jeremy looked at me and a smile came across his face.

What? He's not mad at me? What happened? Well, whatever it is, I don't mind. I recently made up Stefan and I want to do the same thing for him.

If he's willing to push past what happened, then so am I.

Elena walks away from Stefan and I can see the defeated look on his face. I make my way over to him, "Hey Stefan."

He takes one last look at Elena before directing his attention to me. His gaze softened, "Y/N."

I shoulder my bag and start walking alongside him, "Everything okay?"

𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 {𝐝𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐧 𝐬𝐚𝐥𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐞}Where stories live. Discover now