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Draco was perched on the window ledge in their room waiting for Harry. It was early evening and Harry had just finished Quidditch practise. Draco had seen him through the window making his way out of the changing rooms. He smiled to himself as he saw Harry shout out something to Weasel and then run towards the castle. He knew that, within a few minutes, Harry would come bursting through the door. To him.

He stretched out his legs, crossing his ankles first and then his arms loosely across his chest. His bottom was resting on the small ledge and he wore a smile as he could feel Harry's presence grow nearer on the other side of the door.

He was coming closer.

Another few minutes.


The door burst open.

Green eyes sparkled behind the glinting glasses and black robes flapped around him.

'Hey,' Harry said breathlessly as he closed the door. A gust of wind accompanied his entrance.

Draco, still perched casually by the window, looked at him with one raised brow.

'Hey,' he drawled.

Harry came closer with a small smile decorating his lips. He licked them as he approached Draco. They both stared at each other as Harry closed the distance between them. Draco uncrossed his ankles but remained sitting, his arms still folded in front of his chest. He could feel the cold air that was still emanating from Harry. He took in the red cheeks and the small pink nose. Harry needed to be kissed, obviously.

They engaged in a mini battle of gazes. They often did that. Stare at each other without saying a word. Draco could feel the heat rise in him and his fingers and lips itch to be connected to Harry's skin.

A minute passed.

Every second filled with anticipation and longing.

And then he could no longer stand it and he relaxed his arms and held them out, immediately feeling Harry rush in towards his embrace. He felt his heart gallop around in his chest happily and tried not to think about the rush of affection that burst through him as he felt Harry hug him tightly. Harry's cold hair tickling his neck, his warm breath tingling his skin, Harry's arms around his waist.

'Have you been waiting long?'

Draco shook his head.

'Not really. I saw you practising through the window. I knew what time you would come up.'

Harry moved his head back and met Draco's eyes.

'You watched me practise?'

'Yeah,' Draco answered back shortly.

Harry raised both his brows.

' I watch you sometimes, when I'm waiting for you.'

A wide smile tugged Harry's lips upwards.

' I watch you too sometimes – when I can,' he told Draco.

Draco felt a pleasant current zoom through his veins. Harry watched him practise. He watched him.

He then felt warm lips press against his own and he tightened his arms around Harry. He opened his mouth further and felt Harry do the same. They had become so good at this, their lips so in tune with one another. Their mouths opened and closed and kissed in unison, like a well-practised dance. Meeting together perfectly in time. Making out with Harry was heaven in itself. They could win an award for kissing.

An Order of Merlin for kissing. First Class.

Draco's tongue sought out its partner, meeting it quickly as Harry poked his tongue out also. Lapping at each other's lips, he felt Harry move slightly out of his arms and straighten out. He tugged at Draco's robes as he pulled him up onto his feet. Their kiss remained unbroken as they moved towards the couch. Lowering themselves whilst trying not to break their joined lips and contain their laughter, they arranged their limbs onto the soft cushions. Draco lying on his back with Harry's body blanketing him. He could feel Harry's smile through their kisses and felt his own smile reflecting back.

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