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It was ten thirty at night, and Draco was sitting at the foot of the marble steps in the Entrance Hall. Waiting. He was getting good at this waiting game. He didn't like it, but he was definitely getting used to it. He had anticipated this all week. And it had been an incredibly shit week. He had been stressed about the exams; feeling the change of weather a little too much, restless nights. Yes, shit indeed. But tonight it was going to get better.

Harry was coming back to school tonight; Dumbledore had told him after Draco had pestered him incessantly for information. It seemed as if Harry's blood vomits had subsided and they thought it best for him to get out of the hospital and come back to classes for the last few weeks of term.

Draco was grateful that at least he would be able to spend some time with Harry before the term ended. He wasn't sure exactly how much time, but the fact that Harry would be under the same roof as him once again was a pleasing thought.

He lowered his chin into his hands and watched the huge oak door. It was good that Harry was arriving at a later hour. It would have been too much for him to have to deal with everyone all at once on his first night back. He wondered if Harry looked any better than he had last week. If his eyes had some colour back in them.

Harry's eyes were the most unnerving part of his appearance and Draco knew this would be what people would stare at as they looked at Harry. His eyes. Very few people knew of the curse and the students wouldn't realise that the way Harry looked was due to its hideous affects. For once, Draco was glad that Harry had Weasley and Granger. They could be places that he, Draco, could not. And, in spite of everything, Draco knew deep down that they were good friends to Harry. They cared about Harry and wouldn't let anything intentionally hurt him. At least Draco had that reassurance.

He tapped his foot impatiently on the stone floor. He was quite alone in the Entrance Hall. Curfew had passed so it wasn't likely that anyone would be wandering about now. Technically neither should he be out of his dorms but seeing Harry was more important than keeping to the school rules. He just hoped Granger and Weasley didn't have the same idea and come down to greet their friend. Draco would be severely pissed off if that were to happen. He glanced up the winding maze of stairs and looked around for any moving figures....No nothing.

He rubbed his face and then stretched out his legs in front of him. He was hoping to be able to at least say hello to Harry before he was taken up to his tower. It was going to be harder sneaking around here and there, to have a few precious moments with Harry alone. He fully expected that Harry wouldn't be sneaking right back; so any skulking around would have to be done by him and him alone. Draco cupped his face and stared at his shoes. He'd find a way.

A few minutes later he checked the time on his watch. It was ten forty five. He pushed his hands through his hair and got up, dusting himself off. He let out an involuntary yawn and leant against the banisters. Waiting. Five more minutes passed when he finally heard footsteps come up the stairs outside. He quickly advanced nearer to the door as it opened and his heart held its breath as he saw Professor Mcgonagall appear, shortly followed by Harry.

He wanted to rush forward but forced himself to walk slower at a steady pace.

'Hey,' he called out as Professor Mcgonagall shut the door behind Harry. Harry was now standing looking slightly awkward with a small bag in his hands. A wave of love literally poured over Draco and he bit his lip down hard. Harry was just beautiful, even in his awkwardness and sickness he was beautiful. Draco approached with an eager smile.

'Hey,' Harry said not quite meeting his eyes and Professor McGonagall's brows lifted higher. Draco moved closer and orchestrated his steps so that he was standing in between the Transfiguration teacher and Harry.

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