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On Saturday those who were going home left and those who were staying mooched around as the rain poured over the grounds. Draco was glad that most of his year had gone away for the holidays. It was such a relief to know that he could come and go as he pleased for the next two weeks without his classmates questioning him at every turn.

He had a hassle-free lunch whilst combing through the Daily Prophet for any news on Voldemort; but there was none. They had mentioned Harry twice now, but withheld the name of the attacker. Draco shook his head, as if everyone didn't know already, he thought.

However, The Quibbler, which he had found left on the table, had revealed that Voldemort had attacked Harry and on the letters page there were many hysterical sightings. Although Draco was quite certain that Voldemort would not be appearing in some wizard's herb garden threatening him to hand over all his money.

In the afternoon, he went up to the Owlery and spent a few minutes with Hedwig, making sure no one was around to see him. By now she expected his visits at least once a day and quickly flew off her perch and settled down near him. His own owl eyed her jealously as Draco fed her treats and Draco tried to make up for it by offering him some as well. It seemed to work and both owls were soon pecking at his empty hand.

Checking the time, he figured it was safe to venture into Professor Snape's office. Bidding the two owls goodbye, he left the West Tower and headed downstairs to the Dungeons.

He opened the door with a quick knock and entered the office. He found Lupin and his professor deep in conversation.

'Draco,' Professor Snape retorted with a crack as soon as he took a breath in the office. 'The whole point of knocking is to wait for an answer.'

He appeared tired and even more ill tempered than usual. Draco merely nodded, muttering an apology.

'So, ehhh...' he said in way of changing the subject and starting a new conversation.

Lupin cast a side-glance at him,' we're just discussing the research sources.'

His shoulders were hunched and he was resting against the table. He also looked decidedly awful, more awful than he usually did.

'What about Harry? Anything new today?'

Lupin shook his head and Professor Snape stiffened his lips. His black hair hung limply in a greasy bob around his jaw and his mouth pressed into a thin line. The research really wasn't going well.

'Can I help at all?' Draco tried again.

Lupin managed to give him a ghost of a smile whilst his teacher replied abruptly, 'no you can not.'

'But...' Draco strove on, only to be interrupted with a firm,' no.'

He sighed inwardly, not letting his irritation come across too soundly.

'Fine then, I'll come back tomorrow.'

Sunday afternoon.

Knock knock. Draco sharply rapped his knuckles against the door to Professor Snape's office. He waited for a reply and received one a whole minute later. He walked in, a nerve ticking near his chin.

'Is there any news?'


Monday lunchtime

'How is Harry? How does he look?'

'Unconscious,' said the dark eyes and the dry tone.

Draco pulled a face. He should have known better not to expect a more profound answer to his question.

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