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Harry,' Draco whispered urgently. 'It's a quarter to eight.'

'Mmmm,' Harry moaned softly and snuggled closer to Draco.

'Oy, no,' Draco gently pushed at him, after dropping a quick kiss amidst his hair.

'Harry, you awake?' Finnegan cried out.

'Fuck, Harry, get up, wake up,' Draco jostled him urgently and Harry let out a disgruntled groan.

The charm around the bed turned blue and Draco's eyes widened in horror. He elbowed Harry hard in the ribs and Harry yelped. 'Wake up, dickhead,' he hissed.

Harry grumbled, his green eyes opening in an instant and flashing furiously at Draco. Draco quickly grabbed his wand and undid the silencing charm.

'Harry?' Finnegan again.

'I'm awake, I'm awake,' Harry shouted out, glaring at Draco and rubbing his side. Draco sighed quietly and lay back on the pillow. Harry sat up and stretched, yawned and rubbed his eyes and then turned to look down at Draco, poking his tongue out. Draco made a face back as Harry reached under the pillow and chucked the invisibility cloak at Draco.

He sniffed loudly in an indignant fashion and then climbed off the bed and out of the curtains. Draco let out a jaw-splitting yawn and threw the cloak over himself to follow Harry. He loved being able to spend the night with Harry but sneaking around like this, literally undercover, did get tiresome at times. He muffled another yawn as he sidestepped a few of the boys in the room. Harry's roommates were not particularly pleasing to the eye first thing in the morning. Draco usually preferred not to linger and make his way quickly back to his dorms. He yawned for the third time as he approached the doorway and then suddenly stopped and eyed the corridor with a mischievous smile

Harry was stumbling groggily towards the bathroom and Draco quietly followed him, chuckling under his breath. Harry was wearing a white t-shirt and blue boxers and made quite a comical picture in his bare feet and sticky-up hair. It had grown quite a bit since the year had started and Draco could now happily run his fingers through the once again long, soft, black strands.

Once inside the bathroom, Draco ducked to the side, narrowly avoiding some of the Gryffindor boys as they piled in towards the sinks and showers.

Harry went towards the urinal and Draco amused himself by knocking down Thomas's toothbrush and flannel under the toilet stalls.

A minute later, Harry came back towards the sink and cracked a huge yawn and then sleepily started to open the taps. Draco grinned inwardly and came up behind Harry, pressing his cloaked body close up behind him.

Harry froze in surprise and looked up in the mirror that hung above the sink. Of course he couldn't see anything. Draco lightly pinched his bottom and saw Harry grin at himself in the mirror. He pushed back slightly into Draco and Draco caught him around the waist lightly, rubbing his behind slowly through the cloak and boxers that covered Harry's bottom.

Draco had never got back at Harry for the lab incident all those months ago. This wasn't exactly payback; more of a taste of things to come, Draco thought wickedly, as he placed a soft kiss on Harry's left shoulder. Finnegan came and stood beside Harry and began splashing water in his face. A few more Gryffindor boys came in and they all started talking about this and that whilst Draco rubbed at Harry slowly through the invisible material.

Harry was trying not to moan and sigh as Draco's hands slipped lower and in front on his stomach.

It was probably approaching eight o' clock and Draco thought he really ought to be getting back to his dorms. He hugged Harry lightly and kissed his neck and reluctantly whispered in his ear, 'I better go. See you later.' He pressed a soft kiss on the back of Harry's neck and then slipped his hands away. Harry grinned into the mirror again and then quickly caught Draco's hand and squeezed it lightly before letting go. It was a little bit beautiful being in love, Draco thought blissfully.

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