Chapter 1

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"Y/N!" "WHAT DO YOU WANT CARLA?!" "WHERE'S MY DRESS?!" Carla yells, I roll my eyes she's probably going to some loser party's again I sigh "IT'S WASHING!" I say she runs up the stairs and into my room without warning "WHY THE FUCK IS IT WASHING?!" She screams "It's dirty from the last fucking party you went to! It's covered in beer, wine, food and god knows what else!" I say and return to my studies. "You can miss a party and STUDY FOR THE FINALS!" "I can't miss this one Y/N! Senpai is gonna be there! And I think he's gonna ask me out today I just know it!" She says dreamily.

"Daren? Ugh, you know he's a playboy!" I say looking at her disgusted she flips her hair "Girl, what do you know about having a crush? You never even had a BOYFRIEND before! You'll never understand." She says "Yeah, cause I don't need one, I'm happy being single." I say "You know what? Your coming to the party with me." Carla says smiling.

I'm taken back and fall out of my chair "YOU WANT ME TO DO WHAT?!" I scream "Y/N chill, all I want you to do is go to a party and have FUN for once!" Carla says walking over and helping me up. "I don't want to." I say crossing my arms Carla walks over to my closet and goes through my clothes "Well too bad! Cause your going to, or I'm gonna take your precious textbooks and place them on top of the fridge." She says.

Our fridge is really tall and I'm... really short (sorry for all you tall people) and she'll put my books up there so I can't reach them and the only way to get them back is to do what she wants "Fine, I'll go to the stupid party." I mumble she flips around claps her hands together "GREAT! I'll through together an outfit for you! Your gonna have so much fun I promise!" Carla says and picks out an outfit for me. I sit on my bed and huff, I hate parties waste of my time, if I wanted to get drunk and be stupid I'd hang out with friends but I don't have any. People always said I'm to nerdy which I'm proud of! "AHA! This is PERFECT!" Carla squeals.

I look over and she's holding one of my dresses it's black and white with a swirl on the top right chest no sleeves whatsoever and a short skirt that would reveal my upper thighs I cringe at it, "You want me to wear that?!" I say Carla nods "Mhm! C'mon! You'll look so good in it!" She beams and drags me to the bathroom and tells me to put it on I shut the door and lock it, I look at the dress *sigh* it's only for one night, it's only a party you'll be fine.... right?

I quickly put on the dress and get out of the bathroom Carla gets all excited and puts a bunch of makeup on me. "YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL!" She beams I cross my arms "I'm only going to this ONE party then no more." I say "Fine, let's go Y/N I got us a ride there." Carla sighs and drags me out the door

~le time skip~

We arrive at the party and all eyes are on me Carla laughs "Looks like people like what they see!" I don't respond and avoid eye-contact with anyone Carla grabs my arm "C'mon! I wanna introduce you to SENPAI!" She smiles and rushes to find Daren once we reach him Carla squeals to get his attention "SENPAI! I HAVE HER! JUST LIKE YOU WANTED!" He turns around and he blushes at the sight of me, I roll my eyes "*ahem* thank you Carla... you can go I just wanted to speak to Y/N for a minute." Daren says and Carla runs off.

"Um... hello Y/N." Daren says avoiding eye contact I sigh "What do you want Daren?" "I wanted to confess..." He says blushing harder "Confess your love to me? Daren for the last time NO!" I say "C'mon Y/N, we're perfect for each other!" Daren says running his fingers through my H/C hair.

I swat his hand away before he could do it again "No, we're not. Your just gonna cheat on me and say 'SoRrY Y/N bAbY! I fOuNd SoMeOnE bEtTeR! Me AnD hEr ArE mEnT tO bEeEeE!" I say in a babyish voice "No I won't promise." Daren says trying to strike my hair again but I slap his hand "I don't even want to BE here all I want to do, is go HOME or anywhere else but here." I say "Anywhere huh?" Daren says and grabs my arm and drags me away from the loud music and crowd of people "HEY! LET ME GO!" I say trying to fight back Daren twists my arm "Shush doll, your going to LOVE what's about to happen!" He smiles and drags us into a room and shuts the door

WHATS GONNA HAPPEN NEXT?! Idk I might not even continue this story of the first chapter get at least 20-50 reads I'll continue

Furry Love ( a Boris x reader fanfic) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now