Chapter 3

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"Bendy and Boris?! Like the cartoons?" I ask shocked. Henry nods "Yup... My two little boys, did you know Bendy's gay?" He says "What? I thought he was dating Alice." I say. Henry starts laughing "Pfft! That's funny! They actually hate each other!" "My childhood has been a lie..." I say. Henry lets out another laugh and puts his hand on my shoulder. "How about we go met the gang before someone thinks I'm replacing my wife."

~ Time skip brought to you by me raging at the stupid people on my Among Us server~

We enter a place called Heavenly Toys. The first thing I noticed is that there are ALOT of people, I hide behind Henry not wanting to socialize. Henry smiles and clears his throat getting everyone's attention.

"Guys this is Y/N she'll be staying here for awhile." "Is she trustworthy?" Someone says I look over, the man is wearing pants with suspenders and is wearing a Bendy mask and is being cuddled by what looks like Bendy... But he is very thin you could see his ribs and hips. "Yes, she just came and was running from a shooter." Henry says and I come out of my hiding spot still nervous.

A girl with devil horns and a ponytail rushes over and examines my outfit "Aww! She's very pretty!" She gushes and sticks out her hand "I'm Allison!" I give her a small smile and shake her hand which she takes and drags me away to a couch with the inky man and the Bendy "This is Sammy." She says pointing at the man "And that's his boyfriend Bendy!"

Bendy blushes at her comment "She didn't need to know that..." He mumbles. Allison just smiles and takes me elsewhere. This time to a man with a projector head and a girl that looks like Alice but her face is messed up. The girl rolls her eyes "Don't say anything about my face, I'm aware." She snarles "Okay! Dang I wasn't even gonna ask! Don't have to be so rude!" I say putting my hands up. "YEAH ALICE! DON'T BE SUCH A BITCH!" Bendy yells "LANGUAGE!" Henry yells back.

"YOU WANNA GO FUCKFACE?!" The girl who I assume is Alice yells cracking her knuckles. Bendy moves Sammy and stands up walking toward us "C'MON! FIGHT ME!" He growls Alice rushes over throwing a punch but missing. Bendy laughs and lunges toward her tackling her to the ground and they start fighting while Henry trys to break them up.

Allison sighs "That's Alice... As you can tell they hate each other. Demons don't walk with angels we all know that." I nod "So I was told..." Allison turns her attention to the projector man who's crossing his arms "This is Norman also known as the projectionist." She says "Just call me Norman..." He says almost in a whisper. I smile "Hello." "You should head back to Tom.... Have her met him and Boris....." Norman says pointing to two wolves who are doing sign language. Good thing I took ASL after school. Allison looks over.

"Oh yeah! C'mon, you'll LOVE Boris!"

We walk over to the two wolves. One has a robotic arm and the other seems a bit timid. Allison hugs the one with a robotic arm "This is Tom my husband!" She says smiling (that's actually canon look it up) Tom blushes and holds Allison. "And that's Boris!" Allison says pointing to the other wolf who waves. "Oh! Hi Boris!" I say.

After a while we all get to know each other. What I learned is that Bendy and Alice fight a lot so that little episode was normal. Tom is very protective of Allison, Bendy is protective of Sammy, and Henry is everyone's "Caretaker" basically the mom friend, he cooks, cleans and heals everyone's wounds. I'm currently sitting with Boris "Talking" to him. "What do you like do for fun Boris?" I ask. He thinks for a moment, 'I like to play banjo' he signs smiling.

"Not really much different for the cartoons eh?" I say. Boris's shoulders bounce up and down to signal he was laughing. 'Yeah, you could say that' he signs. I giggle, and give him a soft smile. Some color rises in his cheeks and he walks away to his brother. Henry walks up to me and sits down. "Looks like your getting along with everyone! That's not easy you know, took me YEARS to gain all of their trust." He says. "Years? What happened?" I ask, Henry goes dark. "We don't talk about that...." I feel bad for asking now. "I'm sorry.... I shouldn't of asked." I say, Henry pats my shoulder "It's fine kid, you didn't know. C'mon, I'll show you where you'll be sleeping tonight. There's no way in hell I'm letting you leave tonight with a shooter out there." He says and he leads me up the stairs and through a door behind some shelves.

ANNNNNDDDDD.... That's all your getting today guys I plan to have Y/N stay with Boris (for obvious reasons) and I also want some DRAMA!!! But I don't know what I want to do for that!

Or I could make you DIE and you come back as a cartoon badass like Henry. I'll explain his form later hunny. If you have any ideas for the DRAMA you wanna see let me know in the comments! I sound like a YouTuber.

But seriously don't be afraid to comment you'll literally be making my day. Anyway bye!!!!

-Mealnel 🖤

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