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You wake up to your alarm going off like every morning. You lie in bed for a few minutes, contemplating what you are going to do today. You have 3 interviews already and it is only the first day of press. Yesterday during dinner, Emma, Timmy, and you decided that you weren't going to do any press outside of NYC because it would take a long time and you three were invited to the Met Gala which was coming up in about a month. Sometimes you have to pinch yourself. You have dreamed of becoming an actress for years and you would never have guessed that you would make it this far.

You stand up and hop in the shower. You blow dry your hair and put on a very stylish, but practical designer outfit. You carefully put on some makeup and jewelry. You look in the mirror and smile. Even though you have a stressful and long day coming up, you are a little excited to see what will happen. You head downstairs to the lobby and see Timothee looking out the window watching the sunrise. He looked so calm and studious, you didn't want to interrupt his thoughts so you quietly sat down in one of the lobby chairs and also watched the sunrise.

After a few minutes, he turns his head a little and looks at you. The sun is lighting up his eyes. They look green and gold..they are mesmerizing to look at. "How long were you here for?" He smiled and sat down next to me. "Only a couple minutes." He looked out the window. You hear the sound of high heels clicking against the ground. You turn around. It was Emma, looking stunning in a classy Chanel dress and beautiful diamond jewelry that the sun reflects off of. Timothee stood up, hypnotized by her beauty. He walks over to her and kisses her then took her hand.

Instead of taking a limo, we took an all-black Range Rover to the location where we would do our first interview. We got in the fancy car and start on the long day up ahead. When we arrive, the driver opened the door for us and we walk in. The first place we were doing interviews was at Veranda Toledo. It was one of the fanciest celebrity-based companies. You couldn't believe you were standing in their lavish front room. The assistant took you and your friends up a marble stairwell to the room where we were getting interviewed. She opened the door where we were greeted by Mark Hannon, a well-known celebrity interviewer. You all shake his hand and sat down on the shiny glass chairs. Mark began asking us questions about the movie.

"What was your favorite scene?" Emma answered, "Definitely the one where Lucas (Timothee's character) starts to realize that he doesn't care what others think.. it was so sweet." She rubbed Timothee's arm. "How about the funniest scene?" Timmy replied. "Probably when the guy who ran the hotdog cart accidentally dropped all the food on the ground. It was in the background and not that special but it was the funniest thing ever." He laughed a little remembering it. It was really funny. "Now how about the saddest scene?" You answered this one. "I would say after Lucas found out that Brynn (Emma's roll) was cheating on him." Emma looked over at me... "That was really the saddest scene to you? I thought it would be the one where your parts Grandfather died. I mean, cheating isn't that big of a deal..(a second of silence here) compared to death." You shrugged. "I don't know.." The interviewer kept asking us questions about the movie and we kept supplying answers.

After we finished the two other interviews we went back to the hotel. Emma and you got out of the car. Emma said she had to go fix her makeup so she headed back upstairs. Timothee was holding Emma's phone. "She forgot it in the car. I'll give it to her when she comes back down when we go to dinner." We waited for her to come back down. After 10 minutes she came back, her eyes were immediately drawn to her phone. "What are you doing with my phone, Timothee!??" She snatched it out of his hands. "Did you steal it??" She opened it up and frantically checked her notifications, "I would never steal from you Em. You just left it in the car. I didn't even look at it," Timothee replied calmly. "Come on," he said. "Let's go get dinner."

Dinner was awkward and quiet. You couldn't believe how Emma snapped at Timmy that way. There was so much bad energy. We went back to the hotel. You went to your room and went to bed.

IN THE PUBLIC EYE / TIMOTHÉE CHALAMETWhere stories live. Discover now