You wake up in your hotel room and headed down to the lobby after getting dressed. None of your friends were there yet, as it was pretty early. The sun was just rising. You sat down and thought about how far you've come since you first told your parents that you wanted to be an actress. That was 16 years ago. Now your dream since you were 5 years old has finally come to life. It was only two days away and you couldn't believe it. You were so blessed to make it this far. You looked out the window and saw a familiar face walk through the front door. It was Timmy.
He smiles at you and you smile back at him. "What are you doing out," you ask him. "I just woke up early and decided to go watch the sunrise at the bench. What about you?" He asks, sitting down next to you. "Woke up early and decided to just come down and think." He looked at you. "Think about what?" "Just life and stuff and how it doesn't even feel real sometimes." You both turn your heads and see Emma walking towards you both. You both stand up. "Morning, babe," smiled Timmy. "You look so beautiful." Emma smiled. "Oh please. I have barely any makeup on and I'm literally just wearing leggings and a sweatshirt, but thanks!" You looked over at Emma. "What are you all doing tonight?" Emma looks over at you, "I'm getting my massage done tonight. What about you?" You put your hands in your sweatshirt pockets. "I got my massage and stuff done yesterday so I'm probably going to the movies or something for fun. What about you, Timmy?" "I'm probably just going to go to sleep," he laughed. "I have been so tired lately." You three talk a little longer. Timmy and Emma decided to take a walk together before her massage.
You followed them out the lobby door and parted ways. It was a little later in the morning but you still wanted to get coffee and some food. You head to a cute little cafe and sit down after ordering some coffee and a chocolate chip muffin. You sat down and thought about tomorrow. It was so stressful. Everyone was going to expect you and your friends and everyone there to be perfect.
You were always expected to be perfect. Your high status in society came with its downfalls, including almost everything about you being exposed to the public. You sighed and stood up after hearing your name being called by the barista. You smile and sit back down. You sit on your phone for a while and finish your food. You threw away the cup and wrapper and walked outdoor.
It was only about noon when you left. You didn't know how to spend your extra time before getting ready for bed tonight. You walked and looked around some shops. You decided to head to Fifth Avenue and check out the designer shops. You began walking in that direction when you heard your name being called. "Y/n!! Wait!!" You turn around. It's a small group of girls with the biggest smiles on their faces. You smile back at them. "Can we have a picture with you? We love you so much and have seen every one of your movies!!! You are so talented!!" You smile and immediately answer them, "Of course you can!!!!" You head over and stand next to each girl as they take pictures of each other. "Thank you so much!! We can't wait to see you, Emma, and Timothee at the Met Gala tomorrow!" They beamed. You laugh and smile, "No problem!! I can't wait either!!" You wave bye to them and you part ways.
You smiled to yourself. You loved your fans. They were so supportive of you. You couldn't see how some celebrities don't take pictures with their fans or sign autographs. If you were them, you would be so bummed that they didn't want to interact with you.
Being famous and payed also had its perks. You kept walking and eventually found the door to Louis Vuitton. You slowly open it. You loved the feeling of seeing all the beautiful designs and clothes and bags. It was so fun and made you feel so bougie. You browsed around a came across a really cute bag. You contemplated buying it, but decided you deserved it for all your hard work. You swiped your card and carried it out in the iconic orange bag. You head back to the hotel since it was getting later. You went upstairs and sat down your stuff. It was only 4:00 and you were already exhausted. You texted Timmy and Emma to see if they wanted to maybe get together for an early dinner, but Emma said something came up and she couldn't go. Timmy said he was tired too and wanted to go to bed early. You understood and decided to get pizza for dinner. You headed out and bought a pizza then went back to your room to watch a movie. You showered and sat down on your bed, pizza in one hand and the TV remote in the other. You began scrolling through shows until you came across Hallmark channel. A movie was just starting. You snuggled up in your bed and ate your pizza and watched 2 movies. Your phone buzzed. Timmy texted you:
Emma isn't back yet. I know it's only 10, but still, I'm kinda worried about her. She hasn't answered my calls either...
You texted him back.
I'm sure she's fine! Don't worry about it her phone probably died of something.
You were a little worried but not scared. Emma was independent and could take care of herself. You shrugged it off. It was about 11 when you picked up your phone and checked your Instagram page. You often went under-tagged to see what things fans often dug up about you and see fun edits... you clicked the little icon and saw multiple of the same picture. You clicked on it.. it was some girl making out with a guy at some club. You were confused.. why was this under your tagged photos?? You took a closer look. No... it couldn't be.. you couldn't believe it.. it was Emma. You immediately got out of bed and went to Timothee's room. You knocked on the door. "Timothee, I need to tell you something..." You heard footsteps and the door opened. Timmy's hazel-green eyes were red. He was near tears. He must've found out.
"Timmy, I'm so sorry. I would've never thought... it might not even be her..."
Your voice got quieter and quieter. Timmy looked at you then looked down. He inhaled.
"No, no it is her.."
He wiped off the tear rolling down the side of his face. You hugged him tightly. "Timmy.. Timmy, I'm so sorry." You pulled away. You were sad too. You felt your nose burn. How could she cheat on Timothee Chalamet, the sweetest, kindest, and most caring person on the planet? You look up at him, "Do you want me to stay..?" He looked down, his voice cracked a bit, " it's fine. She'll be back soon.. I want to talk to her privately." You nodded and gave him another hug. You turned around and heard the door shut. A tear rolled down your face.. Timothee didn't deserve this.
He loves Emma. He loves her so much. You slowly walk back to your room. You opened the door and lay in bed. You turned off the lamp and stared at the ceiling. And on the eve of the Met Gala? How could she have the audacity to do that... then suddenly all the pieces started fitting together.
The way she snapped at Timmy and convicted him of snooping on her phone. She always had to leave early and take that one call. How she couldn't make it to all the plans you made with each other and how she answered the interviewer's question about cheating... how did you not see all these red flags? You shut your eyes and tried to fall asleep, it was hard.. your mind was racing and you were just shaken to the core... you eventually drifted off to sleep on your tear-soaked pillow..

FanfictionYou and Timothée Chalamet are highly esteemed actors. You met on set in your new romance film "In The Public Eye" and have been best friends ever since, just like you played in the movie with him. Timmy has been dating Emma Tinselly, the gorgeous ac...