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Timothee was laying down in bed, it was midnight, he was staring at the ceiling. Today we got to try on the clothes for the Met Gala. I had so much fun. Emma and y/n looked so good. Y/n... I've been thinking about her a lot. She was so nice but I decided it was just because I felt bad for her that night. I realized how much I loved her as a friend.. not in a romantic way. I stared at the ceiling and imagined how perfect everything was going. In The Public Eye did amazing. Press went amazing. I have a gorgeous girlfriend and an amazing best friend and I'm going to the Met Gala in only two days!! I missed my parents and Pauline, but I would see them soon. I lay in bed staring at the hotel ceiling. Only a few more days here then I'm going back to my parent's house to hang for a few weeks and just relax. It seemed like nothing bad could possibly happen.

I fell asleep and woke up the next morning really early. I got dressed and went on a walk around the city before the sun rose. It was quiet, as quiet as New York City gets. I put on my headphones and listened to some music. I breathed in and felt the cool air fill my lungs. It didn't feel real. I smiled a bit and walked to the bench to watch the sunrise. The seat was a bit wet. It must've rained a bit. I sat down and stared at the sky until I saw orange and yellow bounce off the glass buildings. I stood up and walked back to the hotel and opened the doors. I saw y/n sitting down. I looked over at her and she smiled at me. I sat down next to her.

IN THE PUBLIC EYE / TIMOTHÉE CHALAMETWhere stories live. Discover now