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Jimin POV

"I like it," Pd-nim states, a wide smile forming on his lips. "Actually, I love it."

Each of my fellow bandmates let out an audible sigh of relief, Pd-nim's words being the affirmation we needed to move forward with our plan. I trace a quick heart against Jungkook's lower back, keeping my eyes locked on our managers seated before us. RM wanted Jungkook and I to share our big idea alongside him since we were primarily responsible for its creation. We were both nervous, me more than I let on, but we made it through together. 

I don't want Jungkook to have to see the way my own anxiety often eats me alive, not when he has so many demons of his own still left to battle. I have to be strong; I have to be an example. I have to show him how he can manage it too. 

"We'll start working on a timeline, and I'll schedule some meetings with our PR team about getting the ball rolling on the charity. It's going to take a lot of work to get this scheduled sooner rather than later. Good thing you literally have no where else to be," Pd-nim says with a laugh, glancing towards the surge of rainstorm pounding against the window pane. 

He has a peculiar sense of humor. 

Then, all at once, his usually formal eyes turn much softer. "This is really amazing, boys. I'm incredibly proud of you." And with that, he exits the meeting room, squeezing each of our shoulder's reassuringly on his way out. 

Once he's gone, all seven of us celebrate, yelling and hugging one another excitedly. Jin and Hobi's endearingly obnoxious cheers bounce around the room, making each of us laugh hysterically. It's like I can actually see our joy filling up the space, cascades of yellow meandering around the room. Caught up in the moment, I jump into Jungkook's arms, locking my legs tightly around his waist. I love seeing him like this, doe-eyes wide and excited, reminding me fondly of who we were in what feels like a past life. Two young kids meeting for the first time, a dream so big we never believed we'd actually be able touch it binding us together. And here we are, almost a decade later, we have everything we ever wanted, and more. So much more. 

I almost lose myself in his eyes completely, thumbs delicately tracing his cheeks, when I'm suddenly ripped out of his embrace by a disgruntled Taehyung. 

"Completely platonic best friends don't usually make out in front of their other best friends," he hisses in my ear. 

I roll my eyes and scoff, "you're ridiculous. We were just hugging," I brush him off and gesture around the room to the other members, "just like everyone else here."

"Yes, Jiminie, just like everyone else here. Where 4 out of the 5 other people are in relationships. With each other," he raises one eyebrow suggestively.

I groan. Maybe having a secret love affair isn't all it's cracked up to be. 

"Okay fine, fine, you're right. Happy?"

"You're the one that wants to keep your relationship a secret. I'm just trying to be a good friend," he pouts. 

I boop him on the nose lightly, "You are a good friend, Tae Tae." 


The next few days pass by in a flash, meeting after meeting, trying to fit the pieces of our passion project together. With so many unknowns, and the overarching sense of impending doom lurking outside the four walls of our building, we have to really lean on each other for support to reach a conclusion. 

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