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Jay wishes she had thought to grab some of her cds before she left. She keeps fiddling with the radio, groaning when she's met with either empty static or emergency alerts. All Danny had in his car were half decent rock bands they liked in highschool and a Fugees album that he stole from one of his exes.

Right now the two of them were currently parked outside a empty gas station, miles away from both their homes and the safety of Atlanta. A few cars had rode by them earlier, but they'd been sat here for almost half an hour now, in nasty ass Georgia heat that made her skin stick to the seats.

Jay looks out the driver window and has to suppress the urge to roll her eyes at the reason she feels so gross. Danny's still arguing with his brother over the phone, the same dick measuring contest those two have been having since their mom got old and sick. The added stress of everything else has had them extra wired.

She stares at his back for a couple more seconds before she huffs, irritated and already dreading the next few months of this when they finally get there. She quickly decides she needs a new pack of cigarettes anyway, and swings the car door open to pay for the damn gas herself before she melts in his car.

"Go on and fill up! I'll just pay for it." Jay calls out as she shuts the door, her companion nods to acknowledge her before turning back and continuing his conversation.

"See, here you go bringing up some old shit again. Let me talk to Mami again." Danny curses through the speaker, Jay doesn't hold back her eyeroll this time.

A warm gust of air hits her as soon as she opens the store door, her hand slaps over her nose on instinct.

It's almost as sad and empty inside as it is by the pumps, with fully stocked shelves and no one at the counter. There were a few pictures of an older couple hanging on the wall behind the counter, along with pictures of what she assumed were their children. Some pictures of the old couple were so old they weren't even in color.

She smiles softly, it must be so peaceful living your life like this- all boring and domestic. She lets herself daydream about all the different faces on the wall, assuming personalities and relationships from the tiniest smiles and stiff poses.

Eventually that gets boring, Jay calls out a 'hello' and takes a few small steps towards the counter. Her eyes catch on a closed 'Staff only' door and she makes her voice a little louder.

"Y'all on break or somethin'?" 

No response.

𝐆𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐒 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐅 𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋 ⟴ 𝐆. 𝐑𝐇𝐄𝐄Where stories live. Discover now