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It was Wednesday evening and the lecture room was full. Rows of young adults who were busy listening to their professor's factual lecture. Jersey sat at the top since she didn't want to be in the middle of the room or near the professor.

She wanted to stay discrete, so she tried hiding herself while paying close attention. Jersey wanted to excel in her Business Law class, so she tried her best to stay focus. However, she would sometimes lose focus and daydream.

It was normal. Class wasn't always entertaining, and she had to keep herself from falling asleep while stifling her yawns.

Her brown eyes examined the medium-sized room that smelled like musty books and coffee. The odor wasn't pleasant to her since she didn't care for that mildewed scent. Part of her wanted to walk out and never come back.

However, she needed this class. Jersey was on her way to becoming a Paralegal.

"I want you all to understand everything I'm teaching." Professor James pushed out as she leaned on the desk. "I'm not up here to look pretty."

Low laughter could be heard throughout the room as the students chuckled in unison. However-Jersey didn't find her words humorous.

But you come to work dressed like you're in a fashion show. She said in her head as she painfully examined Professor James. She was naturally tall, but that didn't stop her from wearing heels. She wore both skirts and pantsuits to work. Her curly hair was draped over her shoulders as she eyed her students.

She leaned on her desk with her blazer pulled back, unintentionally showing off her second-trimester belly. Professor James was six months pregnant.

Jersey jerked her attention away from the woman and placed her brown eyes on the notes she collected for the day.

"When it comes to law...every little detail matters." Professor James continued, not breaking into a small. She wore a nonchalant expression on her face. "I'm going to instill that in each and every one of you until you understand that."

Jersey wedged her pen in between her index and middle finger.

"When I ask you a question-you should be able to answer it right on the spot. For example-you at the top with the blue shirt on."

All eyes went on Jersey who held a perplexed expression on her face as she looked over at Professor James. She sat up in her seat, trying her best to act normal.

"Jersey, right?"

"Uh..." Jersey trailed off, feeling nervous. "yes, Jersey...Coleman."

"Miss. Coleman..." Professor James trailed off as she clasped her hands while narrowing her eyes. "How does a unilateral contract work?"

Jersey swallowed her spit and breathed out, "Um..."

"Stand up, please." The professor suggested as she used her hand as a 'get up' gesture.

Nervously, Jersey stood up and looked around before placing her eyes back on the instructor. She was terrified of public speaking due to her anxiety. This little setup had her wanting to run out the room.

Instead of being a coward, she just took in a deep breath and proceeded with her answer.

"A-a-a unilateral contract is a one-sided agreement that is made by the person or party requesting service in exchange for a reward."

"A clear example...please." The professor continued as blinked a few times.

"W-well...an example would be..." Jersey trailed off, trying to think. "The neighbor will pay me eighty dollars to watch his dog."

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