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For some weird reason I changed Kim's name to Lisa. I don't know why, I just did it while editing on my laptop. So, her new name is Lisa. 🙃


"Nice business you got here." Mack complimented as he looked around the buzzing bar. "Great energy..." He continued while nodding his head. "And great drinks."

Malcolm didn't break into a smile. In fact, he sported this whole annoyed expression that Mack didn't seem to realize.

"What are you doing here?"

"Just...thought I stop by and check on you." Mack blurted out as he placed his eyes on his son.

They shared the same facial features. Malcolm was a couple of shades darker than his old man. However, everything else was identical.

Of course, Mack had grown older over the years and put on a few pounds. That was natural for any human. Instead of being on the slim side, he was burlier than anything. Malcolm noticed the potbelly that his "so-called" father sported.

"Cut the bullshit, alright?" Malcolm cursed, snapping his brows together. He was no fool. He knew his dad was up to something. This wasn't like Mack at all. He didn't fuck with the children he made with Frida.

Mack chuckled a little while running his thick hand over his curly salt and pepper hair. "You're still stubborn as hell, I see. Can't even talk to me like somebody."

"You pop up unannounced at my place of business." Malcolm replied, stating the obvious. "How do you expect me to talk to you?"

"Look, man I didn't come here to argue with you. I just...need to talk to you."

Malcolm looked off, not wanting to converse with him. Mack wasn't on his good list. He never been on that list before. His selfish and arrogant ways turned Malcolm sour towards him. Of course, June wasn't a fan of him.

"About what?"

Mack looked around for hustling ears. People didn't seem to mind him at all. Dean stood by the bar, wiping out glasses as he ran his mouth to a regular customer. Dock leaned over the bar, sipping on his poison, but far away from them.

"I ran into a little problem." Mack continued while raising his eyebrows. "A financial situation."

"Let me guess..." Malcolm trailed off as he leaned his head to the side. "You need my help."

"I really need it, I do."

Malcolm glanced over at Mack's honeyed eyes. They looked exhausted from his years of running a graveling business. He continued to hold on to his service since it was the only way he could provide a stable income.

"I can't help you, man." Malcolm announced as he shook his head.

"I borrowed money on my house..." Mack blurted out, catching his son's attention once again.

Malcolm looked his father dead in the eyes and said, "That's not my problem. Figure something out-you got this, playa."

"So, it's gonna be like that?"

"Just like that. Enjoy your beer." Malcolm tapped the counter and decided to walk away.

He had no plans to help Mack.

When he opened the door to his office, he noticed Jersey and the scowl she wore. She was busy pulling out his files, trying her best to organize them. She looked like she was in deep concentration since her eyebrows were darted.

Malcolm took the time to check her out. Jersey had height on her, with a slim build. The woman did eat a lot, but she couldn't seem to pick up weight. Her stomach stayed flat and she didn't have the colossal booty and bountiful breasts.

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