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"Stop. No. Please!" I said as I jump out of my sleep screaming with tears in my eyes in a puddle of sweat when Jaay busts in a room with a gun clocking it. "What's wrong?!" He said when he busted in the room with the jet black gun. I began to stutter as I stare at the gun "I-I-I-I don't know...I was just screaming for help cause- it was just a bad dream jaay." I said getting out of bed feeling my heartbeat race walking into my bathroom. He unclocks the gun making Bullets fall out the ground "you want nini and mani in here?" He said as I began to start the shower, "yes. Please." I say before closing the door behind me to get undressed hopping in the shower letting the water run through my hair turning around to rinse the sweat off of me. I began to wash up then rinse the soap off getting out of the shower walking out of my room going into my drawer finding a sports bra,panties,and sweats. I look in the mirror as I fiddle with the locket my parents gave me when I was 7 before they disappeared. It was a picture of me,jaay,jojo,and mani when we were younger. I stop playing with it when jojo and mani walk in the room wrapped in their blankets laying in my California king. "Hey y'all..." I say softly as I began getting dressed. "Hey yani" they both say yawning, I look at the clock and it was 4 am. "Shit!" I say putting my sweats on as I lay in the middle of jojo and mani falling back asleep quickly.


I wake up stretching and yawning feeling nobody but myself in the bed looking around spotting jojo and mani pace back and forth around the room getting ready for school. "YANI BITCH! GETCHA ASS UP BRUH WE GON BE LATE". Nini says snapping me out of my thoughts as I jump out of bed almost falling when I rush into the bathroom to brush my teeth and do my hair. I walk back into my room straight into the closet picking out ripped jeans, a royal blue tube top, and some blue 11's putting everything on. I run downstairs outside of the door grabbing the keys and my backpack unlocking the car getting in the drivers seat of the car honking the horn "HURRY UP WHORES-" I say starting the car putting it in reverse right when they run outside hopping in the car. "Aux slut" mani says holding her hand out like the grove sisters in proud family. I back out of the driveway passing her the aux zooming to school, we gotta be there early cause supposedly we gotta give some stupid ass fucktards a tOuRrR. I finally make it to school grabbing my backpack running into the office hearing mrs.ming say something "woahhhh- slow down babe you don't wanna busy ya shit na" she says in her pretty southern accent as I smile walking into the principals office seeing three fine ass niggas GODDAMN. The tallest one can beat my pus- "MS. BATISTE-" mr. brown says snapping me out of my thoughts. "Oh shit- uh hi. Sorry mr.brown" I say smiling awkwardly as the three boys chuckle at me whispering something to one another. "She fire." "Facts..thick as fuck too". "I hope she got friends or sisters". Mr. brown clears his throat moving his tie around, "this is Dejuane,Andre,and Justin" he says pointing at each boy. Dejuane smiles a little biting his bottom lip letting these few words slip out of his mouth "wassgood witchu mamas?" I blush a little before walking over to Dejuane holding my hand out to shake his as he grabs my hand kissing it. "I'm myani...you can all me yani tho" he nods his head while winking as Andre and Justin hype him up "brotherrrrr-".Andre says  "smooth asf- But you foul fa dat one" Justin then says before Dejuane let's go of my hand smacking the back of Justin's head "shutcho ass up mf". Nini and mani then walk in grinning hard as hell. "GODDAMN YOU FINE AS FU-". Andre says staring at nini before getting cut off by mr.brown "GENTLEMAN- seems like y'all found y'all weird way to greet each other now start with the tour please.." he says before walking out rolling his eyes. "Soooo- partners or what?" I say as I began fiddling with my locket once again. "Well who all got Art for home room?" Nini says looking up at everyone from her phone, everyone looks around dumbfounded in silenc. "YALL SOME FUCKING DUMBASSES- damn over here drooling n shit like we got it like that-". Mani says breaking the silence making me jump a little "damn mani. For you to be a quiet ass mf you got a voice foo" I say sighing. Dre,Juane, and Justin each take out their schedules passing them to mani with a shocked face. "I thought mamas didn't talk fa a mi-" Justin says getting cut off "SHUT THE HELL UP GODDAMN- anyways we all got the same classes with y'all annoying asses" mani cuts Justin off while rolling her eyes walking out of the office.


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