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He gave my phone back as I looked at him smiling, his features are perfect. He looked back at me making eye contact, his brown eyes met my hazel green eyes. His lips look so kissable just like his neck. I couldn't imagine what the lips on his face would feel like against mine. Plump and all, he leaned in towards me as I did the same. Once we both leaned in our lips connected making me get severe butterflies in my stomach. He put his hand on my face caressing my cheek softly as I grabbed his hair gently with my hand. About a minute or two later the kiss started getting more intense, he pulled me on top of him with me straddled on his lap. I slid my tongue in his mouth once he let it enter, his hand was rubbing up and down my thigh. He pulled me closer to where my neck was by his lips. He started to kiss my neck while sucking on it. Medium sized hickeys appeared on my neck.I suddenly pulled away as I caught on to what was about to happen.
Yani- Okay okay lets stop
Dejuane- shit- um okay
Yani- I'm sorry I'm just not ready
Dejuane- ready for what?
Yani- to get intimate with you when we barley know each other
Dejuane- you're right
Yani- mhmmmm but let's talk about the project okay?
Dejuane- fasho fasho
I smiled at him as he smiled back at me causing us to laugh, I then fell of the bed hitting my head laughing even harder. Everyone came running upstairs busting in my room.
Yani- HUH?
Dejuane was still laughing
Nae- what the hell was yall doin?
Yani- laughing duhhhh
Nae and stef- cap as fuck.
Yani- you in my business? Don't do dat.
Nini- shutcho ass up
Justin- they was fuckin.
Yani- NO WE- ykw .
Mani- just nasty
Dejuane- we wasn't fuckin
Yani- right
Nae- so where yo pants,bra and the unmarked part of your neck
Yani- I-
Dre- oh hell-
Dejuane- ...
Yani- get out my room.
Mani- all of us?
Yani- yes.
Mani- fine. Come on dejuaneeeeeeeeee we goin to malu pool party tonight
Dejuane- oh. Okay

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