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My name is Cirno. I am an Ice Fairy, who lived in an igloo on the shores of the Misty Lake in the land of Gensokyo. I was once rejected by the other fairies due to my element, to manipulate cold... And how different my wings are compared to the others.

"Cirno-Chan!" A voice called out to me.

I shrugged it off, continuing to sleep.


It repeated, and I opened my eyes slowly. Letting out a small grunt, I looked at the entrance to my igloo. There stood a green haired fairy, motioning her fingers so that I should wake up and meet her outside.

Her name is Daiyousei, a greater fairy whom I had found stranded on the shores with no memories of what happened beforehand. She is now, what I called... My best friend. Call her a lover if you want, since she always cling to me than the other fairies.

"What is it, Dai-Chan?"

"We are late for the party, remember? At Sunny's?"

"Ah, You're right. The rest of the gang is on the way, may I ask?"

"Yes. Rumia already got both Mystia and Wriggle there. Let's get there."

"What about Piece?" I asked, as I stretched my arms after getting up.

Silence is the answer, for a few seconds. She then replied with "What about her?"

"Answer the question, Daiyousei." I changed my tone as well.

She sighed. "Yes, if Star is there, why Piece wouldn't be?"

"Heh. Both of them got closer quickly than I expected."

"Just like us both, together."

The reason why I asked about Piece... Let me clear myself... Clownpiece, another Fairy... A hell fairy to be exact, is because she is my eternal rival. Both of us argued over time, on who is the strongest? Me or her? Apparently this party that Sunny is holding, also had danmaku duels as an event.

I stood up, and Daiyousei casts her left arm, giving me a hand. I gladly took it, and went out of the igloo, together.

We flew to where the treehouse is, where everyone is waiting. The other members of my team, the other fairies and... Of course, Piece were all waiting.

We partied for the whole day, we played, ate and drank together. And when dusk falls, our fated duel begins.... Which I won, of course.

After the duel, we gathered in front of the tree after Aya, a crow tengu arrived with a camera. Sunny asked for a photograph to remember this happy time.

I sat on the ground next to Daiyousei, surrounded by my other team members, while Sunny, Luna, Star, Lily, Larva and Piece stood behind us.

Daiyousei said "I hope that happy times like this lasts forever..."

To which I replied, "And may it never changes" with a small smile.

But... To think that our happiness only lasted for a few days...

- To Be Continued

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