The Withered Forest of Magic

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I managed to beat 2 more of my former comrades. I couldn't believe that they had their desires to kill me.

But now I need to return to the Village, and tell Mokou about the shrine's condition. Descending the steps proves to be faster than climbing it, and I ran back towards the Village Gate.

Upon entering, I was greeted by Mokou.

"So? How's the shrine? Is Reimu fine?" She asked, crossing her arms.

"No. There's no sign of the Miko there. But I did find this note, before I got ambushed."

I handed Mokou the note. Her eyes scanned the words written pretty quickly.

"Could be anyone, I rarely visited the shrine."

"Do you perhaps have any idea on who would know her location is?"

"You can ask that Ordinary Magician... Marisa, I think? You know where she lives."

"Got it. I'll check the Forest of Magic for her."

"Be careful, Cirno. Oh, and here's a map, since I noticed that you couldn't fly for some reason. If you get lost, use it. That Akyuu girl sure has a really good memory to draw a map this small, but detailed."

She was talking about Hieda no Akyuu, one of Keine-Sensei's students and has a special ability to always remember the things she saw. I said goodbye to Mokou, after I took the map from her.

I turned around and went back outside the village gate, and walked the pathways that leads to the Forest. However the forest itself is also affected.

It's devoid of life, the produce from the trees and all the other plants were not too edible. Some even lost all their leaves, making it look like a wasteland.

I looked at the map Mokou gave me. Turns out that Marisa's home is just straight ahead, only problem is that it will take probably 5 minutes to walk there.

I walked forward, humming a tune which Daiyousei usually sung for me. I wonder where she is right now? I hope she is OK.

As I was trapped in my humming, I was broke from the trance as I heard wings fluttering.

Looking up, I see fairies, with white long hair, dead eyes and halos above their heads.

"Whoa, I've never seen fairies like these before..."

I pulled out Roukanken from it's scabbard, as one of them flew towards me like a falcon would do to It's prey. In time, I dodged and struck her quickly, which sends her crashing to the ground instead of pouncing me. She dissipated into cinders afterwards , much like how most of my enemies that were defeated by the Roukanken did.

"I can give you a chance to leave, or end up like her!" I shouted.

The other fairies didn't care, and they flew at me, all at one time.

"Ice sign - triple ice beam!" I cast both of my arms forwards after sheathing Roukanken, and 3 large blue beams of light were shot from my palms.

The beams hit the fairies and sent them flying to trees, before falling off them and onto the ground. I pulled out Roukanken and finished them to prevent them from coming back up.

Afterwards I sheathed it back, and ran towards the direction of where Marisa's home is... Well, according to the map.

And to my surprise, I see lights coming from a window. It has to be her home.

I knocked on the door, and waited. The door opened after a few moments, revealing a blonde haired girl wearing a black witch hat, and black and white clothes.

"Ah, It's just a fairy, Ze! Come in!"

She opened the door a little more wider, and I went in.

"I beat you a couple of times, I'm not just a fairy, you know?"

"I wasn't giving my all at those times! You'll be surprised if I am right now, Ze!"

"Can I ask you something, Marisa?"

"Ask away."

"Do you know where Reimu might be, if she's not at her shrine?"

"Well, she often visited the village to read novels at Suzunaan, or maybe you can check the Moriya Shrine. She had a relationship with Sanae, you know."

"A relationship? I never knew about this."

"Anyways, isn't that the direction to your home as well? You had to go pass the Garden of The Sun, if you want to get there faster without flying."

"The Garden? But why? Shouldn't I go through the Youkai Forest instead?"

"The Youkai Forest is unaffected by the incident, and tall trees shrouded the forest, making it easy to get lost. Even Akyuu never explored it fully."

"Alright. Thanks for the info, Marisa."

I left the house, and walked back to the Village, to tell Mokou about what I learned.

She is still waiting beyond the gateway, crossing her arms.

"So? Where is Reimu? We might need her to end this incident."

"Marisa said that she was probably at the Moriya Shrine. That's... That's near my home, The Misty Lake."

"And since you couldn't fly, how are you going to get there?"

"The Garden of The Sun. That way, I can get there faster if I'm not flying."

"Then off you go. And don't die."

"Of course, Mokou."

I walked to the western gate of the human village, passing by Suzunaan along the way, and left the village. I headed north, to where the garden is.

As I walked I felt my feet leaving the ground. Widening my eyes, and looking up I see a corrupted crow tengu, one that I am unfamiliar with took me with her to the skies. She then dropped me right outside of the garden before leaving. I can swear I hear her cackling evilly... What's in that garden anyway?

I noticed another bonfire right beside me, and conjured an ice statue, before resting there and having a sip from my flask.

- To Be Continued

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