The gentle rays of the moon delicately danced through the thin curtains of Bert's flat and formed a gentle glow around the woman that lay in his arms, and although she seemed to sleep so peacefully, Bert could not say the same about himself. He was restless. The adrenaline of what Mary had told him merely a few hours ago kept his heart racing and his mind was awake with a hurricane of thoughts. He cautiously slipped his arms away from Mary and crept away from the bed. The feel of the cool wood against his bare feet sent further chills down his spine. He made his way over to the window and drew back the sloppy curtains so that he could let his eyes fall upon the jewelled moonlight view of London. He sighed and began to slowly walk himself through his thoughts. He had gotten Mary Poppins pregnant, he relayed that fact to himself over and over again, simply trying to fully process the situation; but every time he thought about it, the more confusing it became. Even rephrasing it to something more positive like, 'he was having a baby with Mary Poppins' didn't make it any easier. He still had this stabbing feeling of guilt in his chest. Even though Mary had assured him that the fault couldn't lie on either of them, he still felt terrible.
But as he racked his brain more he began to realise that it was only his actions he felt guilty about, not the repercussions they had. But he just couldn't define how he felt about the entire thing, every time he tried to really think about everything his brain became so overloaded that he just had to stop. He felt guilt about how this would affect Mary's life, there was fear because he had no idea how any of this would pan out over the next few months or even years, he felt confused because they hadn't explored any kind of definition in regards to their relationship...but every now and then he felt this surge of a positivity – almost like happiness. Mary had even taught him to have a positive outlook on life, and he thought maybe that was what he was feeling, but as he gazed over her fragile figure his heart filled with warmth.
If there was one thing he was sure of it was that he cared for this woman beyond words, there were times when he wished he could bellow it from the rooftops like a love sick idiot...but that would certainly cause Mary to give him one of her disciplinary stares. When Bert was finally able to calm the erratic nature of his thoughts and really think about everything, he could almost smile. He didn't want to declare that the whole situation made him feel happy, it was too complicated for that; but with his positive attitude towards everything that life threw at him, he began to feel something soothing wash over him. He felt so sure of his decisions, he would definitely stand by Mary, no matter what, he wanted to go through this with her and make it into the best possible scenario it could be. Bert made his way over to the small spare room that he was lucky enough to possess within his flat. He ran his eyes over it, scattered throughout were canvases that held an arsenal of Bert's artwork, many of which he and Mary had explored at some point. He smiled, remembering those times of pure bliss and freedom they spent together, and he also smiled knowing that he could be - and would be - there for her through this.
Mary stirred awake and for the briefest moment she wondered where she was. She noted the absence of warmth around her and realised that Bert was no longer lying next to her; she sat up slightly but decided against looking for him, she made the assumption that he wanted to think things over and decided that it was a perfectly understandable request. Even after everything was resolved, she still felt so guilty for dropping all of this on him so suddenly. She'd been away for a month and he didn't even get a proper introduction, just a tear stained and rain soaked woman at his door with a life altering confession. Perhaps she had caused trouble in the past, but it had always only been innocent antics that could be resolved with the click of a finger...not like now. But there was one thing that kept her going and that was a selfless support Bert had offered to her, she would never be able to express her gratitude. She thought everything over. It was a complicated situation – to put it mildly – and Mary suspected that she hadn't fully comprehended it all yet, after all, she too had only found out a short time before Bert; and even after their lengthy discussion there was still so much in the air. But she didn't want to put too much pressure on Bert; he had already gifted her so much...more than she could've ever asked for.
Come What May
RomanceSo, as the description says, this a story called Come What May. About Marry Poppins and Her Husband Bert