a new start to everything

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finally in 2013  I made it to secondary one. Just when I thought I could  start again, I was wrong. New surrounding , new faces, new environment , I couldn't. Things just keeps getting scarier. Very soon things escalated. My mental health got from bad to worst in just one month.

my sister was having her primary school leaving exam paper in a few month. My parents focused more on her  as she was their pride. Many times when my mum get angry or b annoyed she would usually find excuse to vent it out on me. From the way my parents talk to me and my sister i knew that loved my sister more as I have been a disappointment to them. This affected me a lot. Once I was doing my homework at  home when I suddenly snap because I couldn't answer a few question.

At this moment, beside me lies a scissors. I picked it up, hesitated for a while and started with just one cut. I have never felt better than that time. I felt relieve a feeling which I always wanted to feel. Very soon in just one day my cuts got more and more. Gradually it became my way of coping. Whenever I get stress out or stuff I will turn to cutting. Slowly I started buying a a blad as its Sharper than scissor. My cuts gradually got more and more and is getting deeper each time, my tighs, wrist, almost all of my body were covered with cuts.

I had to resort to wearing jacket to school as a cover up for my cuts. Initially I hid it quite well but just after 2 days during a school assembly, I was told to remove my jacket. I was reluctant but I still took it out. This was when I know I'm in deep trouble..

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2020 ⏰

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