Chapter 19

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"Hey, I might tell dad that I wanna time travel" He sat up from the bed and I looked up and put down my paintbrush. "Time travel? Isn't that too complex?" It's not like I didn't trust Five, I was just scared.

"Relax, I am just gonna jump forward a little bit then come back" He shrugs and I think about it. "Okay, but come back immediately. I cannot survive here without you" Five smiled lovingly at me and nodded. "I promise"

Little did I know these would be my last moments with him.

A few minutes later we heard a bell, "Well wish me luck" I held his hands and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Good luck Five" I peck his cheek and he looked down, I smile when I saw him blush a bit.

We went down to see mom smiling and our other siblings standing in front of their chairs, I let go of Five's hand and went beside Ben while he went beside Diego.

We waited until dad finally came down, "Sit" He said sternly and we pulled out our chairs.

3rd person pov

Reginald sat at the head of the table, Vanya at the opposite which made her cower when he looked towards her. Allison and Luther looked at each other, smiling. Diego was carving in his armchair, Klaus was taking some sort of drug, Ben and Y/N were talking quietly about the book Ben was reading as of now.

Five shot glances at Reginald as he clenched his jaw and jabbed the knife on the table, making everyone look at him. "Number Five?" Reginald asked.

"I have a question"

"Knowledge is an admirable goal, but you know the rules. No talking during meal times" and what a stupid rule it is, all of them thought. "You are interrupting Herr Carlson"

"I want to time travel" He gritted his teeth

"No" Reginald said emotionlessly, "But I'm ready. I've been practicing my spatial jumps, just like you said" He pushed back his chair and stood up, then spacial jumped beside Reginald. "See?"

"A spacial jump is trivial when compared with the unknowns of time travel. One is like sliding along the ice, the other is akin to descending blindly into the depths of the freezing water and reappearing as an acorn" Five sighed, "Well I don't get it"

"Hence the reason you're not ready" Five looked at Y/N and she just smiled, not knowing the outcome and signaled to the door, but Vanya thought otherwise as she shook her head 'no'

He looked back at Reginald, "I am not afraid" Reginald still hasn't looked up, almost unbothered. "Fear isn't the issue. The effects it might have on your body, even on your mind, are far too unpredictable" He puts down is utensils in a hurry. "Now, I forbid you to talk about this anymore"

It was silent for a moment until Five ran out the door, "Number Five! You haven't been excused! Come back here!" but Five didn't listen as they heard the door shut.

All of them didn't bother to run after him, knowing he'd be back in an hour or two, neither did Y/N. She trusted Five, he promise he would be back.

Minutes after Five left, Reginald told them they can be excused. All of them stood up, they weren't that hungry anyways.

Y/N was in the middle of Klaus and Ben as they asked her questions. "Your not bothered that your husband just ran out during dinner?" Y/N nodded, "He told me about this earlier, he promised he would come back. So I am not worried"

Y/N was hearing a new song Vanya learned, Y/N loved how when she would master a new song, she'd immediately show her. Y/N liked how she was so passionate about something, even though Vanya didn't have powers(;0) she was at least good at something.

But not so much for Y/N, unlike the rest of her siblings, she found her powers wayyy too late. 2 years too late to be exact, when she would watch her siblings play and laugh about their powers she felt so left out. At one point she thought she would be like Vanya.

But on their 9th Birthday, while everyone was singing happy birthday, Klaus playfully blew out the candles. Everyone was furious at that, especially Y/N.

She wanted the birthday to be perfect and she wanted all of them to blow out the candles together, while dealing with her emotions. She didn't know that the candles lit up, but not by a lighter or match.

It was Y/N who did it.

After that was eventful for Y/N as she had finally joined them for trainings.

"That was a good one Vanya" She stood up and clapped for her, "You will most definitely take me to one of your concerts" Y/N and Vanya would joke about how when they would grow up, Vanya would be a very famous musician. "Well thank you Y/N, and of course I'll invite you, front seat and all that" They both giggled.

"I must be going, Five might arrive very soon and he'd probably be hungry" Y/N hugged Vanya and said their bye's

Y/N went down to the kitchen and made pb & marshmallow sandwiches for her and Five.

After that she patiently waited for him, eating her bread while she rereads one of her favorite books, trying to stack and re-stack jenga blocks by herself, re-arranging her vanity, talked to Ben about his book once again, talked to Klaus about which peanut butter is better. Creamy or Chunky, tried to talk to Diego but was met with profanities, didn't bother to talk to Luther, fangirling with Allison about Draco Malfoy in Chamber of Secrets.

All that and Five didn't come back.

Y/N stayed up hoping he just had fun whenever he is and lost track of time and would come back early in the morning, but her energy and body refused and slept.

It was very early in the morning when she woke up rubbing her eyes and sat up, thinking Five was tired and slept immediately, she walked to his room.

Her face was met with a frown when his room stayed the same way it was when he left it, just then Luther went out his room.

She asked him, concern obvious in her tone. "Have you seen Five? Did he come home last night?" Luther blinked his eyes again and sighed, "No, Y/N, maybe he's downstairs. Don't bother me with your shit early in the morning" and with that he retreated back to his room.

Y/N didn't have anything to say as she was too preoccupied with Five.

Yeah, don't worry. You only checked his room.

She changed into a new set of uniform and once again began thinking, "Will it be too ambitious to ask Dad?" She debated and thought 'what could go wrong?'

well, everything

Y/N started fast walking to her Dad's study and was about to knock when she heard him shout.

"The Handler isn't taking her back! I need the full force of the Academy for whats about to come!" She freezes in her place.


not edited

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