The last song (niam horanye)

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Niall's POV

It has been 2 months I have been obsessing over the niam story's! I just can't stop facing that I want them to be real. Wait? What am I saying? Am I ,Niall horan, seriously in love with, Liam Payne? No! I can't be, he's just my friend, my best friend, yeah... He's a friend.

Liam's POV

I can't help notice something's wrong with Niall. He has been on his computer for 2 months now reading our fans story's and every time I walk in the room he just turns it off and says hes just doing some extra work to get into university but I know it's a lie. I just wish I knew which "bromance" he was reading about! I wonder if he's reading nouis or narry I wish he was reading niam though... I read them once I wish they were true but if the fans knew we wanted that, they would take it too far,like with Larry the feelings were true and the fans took it to far and now Loubear and hazza are just friends. " I really love Niall but I love our friendship and can't risk it by telling him I love him." I said aloud

Niall's "diary"

I can't believe what I just heard Liam say. He said he loves me! He loves me back I have to ask him out or kiss him or something! Wait no I can't be gay... If I'm gay what will the fans think? That I'm some weird gay freak in love with Liam Payne?!? And what if he doesn't really love me? Ugh I'm so confused well... I think I'm gonna go finish writing our new song "change my mind" goodnight :)

As Niall went to find his guitar he saw Liam in the door way " what are you working on?" Liam asked curiously. " oh it's nothing just a song we might be able to put on the knew album" he said shyly ( which is weird for nialler!). " oh can I maybe hear it?" Liam asked excitingly. "Umm.... Sure...." Niall said uncertainly "okay" Liam said handing Niall the guitar


the end of the night,

We should say goodbye.

But we carry on,

While everyone's gone.

Never felt like this before-ore

Are we friends or are we more?

As im walking towards the door

I'm not sure.

But baby if you say that you want me to stay

I'll change my mind.

" and that's all I have so far." Niall said glumly " WOW! It's amazing Niall! Do you mind if I help you finish it?" Liam said happily " umm I guess you can help.." Niall said kinda happily knowing Liam wanted to help him. " okay so how about: cause I don't wanna know I'm walking away if you'll be mine." Liam sang " wow Liam I like that and how about: wont go, won't go, so baby if you say you want me to stay, stay for the night ill change my mind" Niall sang while messing up on the guitar. " oh want me to help with the guitar?" Liam asked sweetly " yea" Niall said embarrassed " okay close your eyes" Liam said and next thing Niall knew Liam's lips were pressed to him. When Liam pulled away he said to Niall " i love you! Your my life and my everything Niall horan I love you so so much your gorgeous and I want to be with you! I want niam to exist!" Niall was so shocked at what Liam had done he was speechless and when Liam thought he should just leave Niall grabbed his hand and said " I love you too" he pulled him down and kissed him.

They ended up just laying on Nialls bed for hours cuddling and talking about how much they loved each other when Liam asked Niall " Niall horan? Will you be my boyfriend?" Niall in shock immediately replied " of course ill be your boyfriend Liam! I love you!" "And I love you" Liam said kissing Niall...

Liam's POV

Last night was just wow! I can't believe me and Niall kissed and are going out! This is amazing!

"LIAM FOODS READY!" Harry yelled from the other room "coming harry" I said skipping kinda Gayly down the hall. " where's Niall?" I asked " oh he went out for some air" harry told me. "Oh hope he's back soon!" I said happily " oh yea? Why's that? Are you two dating Liam? Omg niam exists!" Harry said mockingly " we aren't dating we are just writing a new song for take me home that's all! I swear" i said nervously " are you sure? There was a lot of I love you and giggling coming from Nialls room last night!" Harry shot back. " I'm sure we aren't dating. Do I look like I'm into Niall?" I said kinda annoyed " okay well are you "into me?" Harry said kinda jokingly " I don't know wanna find out?" I said dipping him down so my face was only a couple cm away from his face! " LIAM!?!" Niall said crying in the doorway looking at me and harry. " no Niall we were just-" " you were just what? Cheating on me? I hate you Liam I hate you!!"

Nialls POV

I can't believe I walked in on my boyfriend and best friend together! I can't believe this... " NIALL WAIT!" I heard Liam yell. " no Liam go away! I'm leaving to go to my mums! Oh by the way here's the last song I will ever write for this bloody band!" I yelled walking out the door.

I went to the train station and asked for one ticket to Dublin they said I couldn't leave until morning though so I went and stay with billy bob bob billy in his hotel room.

"So, you left the boys?" Billy said " yea I fell in love and Liam just isn't committed to our relationship" I said glumly " it's to bad" Billy said " you guys were amazing!" " yea well sometimes i need to do whats best for me" I said sadly " I understand" billy said " thanks billy well I think I'm gonna hit the hay and get ready to go back to Dublin tomorrow" I said tiredly " okay" billy said " see you bright and early in the morning!" And next Thing i know I'm all alone in the big hotel living area,crying myself to sleep.

Liam's POV

"Harry I'm back" I said in tears " You didn't find him?" He asked sadly " no billy bob said he Went to Dublin." I said as I sat down " well want to go after hIm?" Harry asked " no I can't I have to go to Doncaster and Bradford to see the lads today," I said glumly " want me to go to Dublin then?" Harry asked as he sat by me " would you Really go harry?" I asked Lighting up inside " I mean sure you would for me!" He said happily " aww thanks harry I have to go now I will see you see" I said walking out the door. " oh and harry?" I said before leaving " yea Liam?" He said back " thanks your A great friend" I said leaving the curly haired boy alone in are huge 5 room apartment.

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