Part 5.

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I woke up to my alarm blasting in my ear. I rolled over and hit my alarm and groaned.
I finally got enough energy to roll out of bed. I stood up and fixed my sheets. I took a few minutes stretching and trying to get my eyes to adjust to the light that was shining through my window.

I walked over to my closet and grabbed a pair of leggings and a grey hoodie.
I put them on quickly and then went down the stairs. I wasn't that hungry so I grabbed a apple and I seen the letters my mum signed for me. I picked them up and looked through them.

I still had a little bit of time before the guys would be here so I thought it would be cute to curl my hair.
I done my hair then packed my bag. When I was putting on my shoes I heard a knock on my door and my dad yelled 'soph it's for you'
I shoot down the stairs grabbed my bag and ran out the door.

"HEY COPPER YOU MADE IT" I hear voices cheer as I close the door. I smile at them all and I run up to them.
Connie let go of guys hand to hug me but then quickly grabbed his hand again. Fulton lightly punched my arm and the rest done a group hug with me in the middle. I giggle as guy moans that we will all be late. They all let go and laughed at him.

They all had on their roller skates but I clearly didn't. Charlie went racing ahead of us all and the other tried to catch up which left me all on my own. Suddenly Adam came skating back and held out has hand.
"Come on" he smiled at me.
I smile back at him then took his hand as he skated and I ran. He didn't go to fast just fast enough I could keep the same speed.

Soon enough we get to school and safe to say I am exhausted. We had about 10 minutes before class but some of the others had to go to their lockers. I started to head to the office when Dean come up to me.
"Hey princess where you off you"
"Oh hi dean just the office to hand in these forms then I have to run to history"
"Hey let me do them for you I have a free period"
" no really dean it's fine"
But I was to late he took the forms out my hand and held them above his head. Damit I had to be born small.
"Fine you can take them for me"
"Great now get to history before your late"
I smile at him then turn around and start to head for history. I bump into someone on my way. I knock their textbook at their hands. They bend down to pick it up and he we came back up we made eye contact. He had beautiful big brown eyes.
"Oh uh urm sorry about that"
"Hey don't worry about it. I'm zach by the way" he held out his hand.
I looked at his hand then took it. We shook hands
"I'm Sophia"
I couldn't take my eyes off his eyes. He was so pleasing to look at.
"HEY COOPER COME ON YOUR GONNA BE LATE" I shake my head and turn around and see banks standing outside out history class. Shoot.

I turn back around to look at zach. "Sorry I have to go to class it was so nice meeting you but I really have to go" I start to walk away as he yells
" talk to you at lunch?"
I smile and nod as I walk backwards.

I made my way to the class and walked in. Yet again all eyes on me. I'm not usually a shy person but when everyone is staring at me and I can't do anything about it, it makes me self conscious.

I hold my breath and try and not make eye contact with anyone as I look around trying to find Adam.

I see him smiling at me waving me over. I let out a sigh and walk over to him. I place my bag on the table and pull out my seat.
" hey banks" I smile at him as I take my seat.
"Hey Sophia"
I start taking out my notebook and pens when Adam turns to me."Who where you talking to in the halls"
"Oh just someone I bumped into by mistake how"
"Just wondering" he looked down and the teacher walks into the class. She done the usual 'we have a new student' stuff and yet again. All eyes on me.

We were learning about the civil rights movement. I was taking notes from a textbook. History was always my best and favourite subject. Not that I'm bad or don't enjoy ever other subjects just I liked learning about the past and what other people done just so I could get the life I have now.

I look over at Adam as he is writing. He had done so much in so little time but yet I could tell he was taking it all in as he done so. He looked up at me and caught me looking at him I try to play it off as if I wasn't but he knew.
"Take a picture it lasts longer"
"Shut up banks" I giggle and lightly punch his arm. He just laughs and done the same.
"So anyway what's with the urm bow tie?" I look at him with a big smile on my face and I point to it. "It's not as one would say casual clothing for school I get this is a posh school but come on"
He just sighs at me "my parents make me wear them wouldn't be my first choice of clothing trust me"
I just smile and shake my head at him
"You know you would look a lot better if you ditch the bow tie and undid the top button of your shirt" I say looking back down at my work continuing my notes.

I seen him at the corner of my eye look down at the bow tie and play with it.

New girl ~ Adam BanksWhere stories live. Discover now