Part 16.

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I am standing in front of my mirror staring blankly at my reflection. I am wearing black jeans and a pale blue cropped top with my white converse. I wanted to look cute but not in the way I was trying to impress Adam but I didn't want to look like I didn't care.

I know it isn't a date, but I still wanted to make him still like me.

I sigh still looking at myself. Maybe I'm not dressed right. Maybe I look like I'm not excited to go out with him.

Well it was to late to change. The door bell went off. Panic grew all over my body.
I open the door to see a very smiley boy.

"Why hello Sophia" he grins at me."Why hello Adam" I give him the same grin back. "You urm ready to go?" He asks rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah I am" I say stepping out of the door and closing it behind me.

We started walking down the street heading to Minneapolis. Both of us weren't talking for part the journey. It wasn't awkward it was a comfortable silence like I felt safe with him.

"So urm how was practice" I speak up trying to break the silence. "Do you really want to know or are you just asking me?"

"I really want to know duh that's why I asked" I look at him and smile. "Wow no girl actually ever cares about my hockey" he smiles a bit and looks down. "it was so fun. We warmed up with the roundup game. And surprise surprise I won" I looked at him and laughed slightly and I could see the pride in his eyes even though he was joking.

"So when's your next game"
"Next week why will you be there front row cheering me on" he nudges me. I just roll my eyes and smile. "what makes you think I'm only there for you"

"We all know I'm your favourite" he winks at me in a playful way. "Keep telling yourself that banks" I say walking faster than him. "hey slow down" Adam winged.

I turn around and start walking backwards looking at Adam "make me" I turn around again and start running.

A pair of arms rap around me making me stop running. "Caught ya" I turn to look at Adam. I start to blush as his arms are around my waist. I try to hid my blush but Adam seen.

"Awwww is little Sophia Cooper blushing" he says taking his arms off me and starts walking again.
"What no way. I just happen to go red when I get a fright" I lie.

"That has to be the worst excuse ever" he laughs. I pout at him crossing my arms and stop walking. "Aw did I make Sophia upset"

I nod giving him pupped dog eyes. "Yes you did you big meanie"
"I am ever so sorry but hey I find it cute when you blush. Now come on I am dying for my milkshake" he holds out his hand.
I take it as we walk to Mickeys.

"Hello Adam and Sophia. What can I get for you both" miss Conway smiles at us taking out her pad and pen. "I will have a chocolate milkshake please"
Adam says then looking at me waiting for my reply.

"I will have a vanilla if that's ok" I smile.
"Of course sweetie" she writes down our order then whispers to Adam. "You have yourself a keeper" Adam smiles and just looks down.
"So urm did you do the history essay"

I raise me eyebrows at him. "Are we really going to sit here and talk about school?"

"No I just um nevermind what do you want to talk about then" he rubs the back of his neck then plays with his fingers.

"Here you go" Miss Conway placed 2 milkshakes down in front of us then walked away to sever another table.

I took a sip of my milkshake noticing Adam was staring right at me.
"Take a picture it will last longer" I joke.
"Hey don't use my line" he snapped trying to look angry but ended up laughing.

"You are such a loser you know that right" I say taking another sip of my milkshake.
"You still love me though" he winks at me.

"If you say so cake eater"

New girl ~ Adam BanksWhere stories live. Discover now