First Day

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It was his first day of 11th grade, he didn't feel like going today, tommorow, or any day for that matter. He knew exactly how it would play itself out. The previous ones were a series of him getting bullied nearly everyday. He was so exhausted and annoyed that it never stopped, it just kept happening. He was so sick of coming home with bruises and sometimes even cuts, the group who bullied him sometimes resorted to using blades or knives. It was the same thing every year. He didn't tell anyone, he wanted to keep it a secret, for he felt shame, shame because he let him self get beat up, shame that just because he was in the group that bullies him, he never fought back. He never understood why Goten? Goten of all people betrayed him, just because of the status quo. Normally people would like Trunks because he was rich, but people teased him for it... The "teasing" graduated to bullying over time.

"Rich boys can't fend for themselves, they have butlers, and maids, Well guess what rich boy, you're butlers ain't here to save ya."

Trunks cringed remembering that moment, What Goten said in that moment. They attacked him nearly everyday, they'd steal his lunch money, or lunch tickets, he'd barely get to eat at school, it ended up making him lose most of his muscle mass. His bones were even starting to become visible. He always wore baggy clothes to hide his- what he would call- misshapen self.

I-is it my fault? Can I just force them to stop? I've never actually tried before. Why? Why haven't I tried? Is it just because of him? What is it about him that I just can't bring myself to... Fight back?

A high-pitched voice quickly snapped him out of his thoughts

"Trunks!!! Get ready you have around 30 minutes if you want to be early!!" Bulma shouted.

"O-oh! Thanks mom!" Trunks shouted grabbing his grey-ish hoodie and sweatpants, and rushing to the restroom.

He looked at himself in the mirror and looked away slightly, letting out a low growl. "I look anorexic, even with all the training and eating over the summer."

Perhaps the two months of summer just isn't long enough... Well around nine-ten months of abuse can really do something to someone.

He just sighed and continued his daily routine.


Finally entering the school he saw a group of five students chatting amongst themselves, Goten was there, that's all he really payed attention to. He immediately snapped out of his dazed condition hearing the loud school bell ring. The halls started clearing quickly, the last thing Trunks wanted was to be spotted by the five. He hung his head low and quickly got into one of the crowds to make sure he kept a low profile.

Luckily he got into class without being spotted. He let out an audible sigh of relief. The teacher hadn't arrived in the classroom yet so everyone was chatting and socializing, everyone aside from Trunks, he just didn't want to be noticed Period. He sat at the back of the class.
Later the teacher arrived, Or so he thought, she actually looked really young, short blonde hair, dyed brown at the tips with glasses. "Hey... I'm the substitute teacher... I know it's kinda weird that your teacher bailed on you on the first day, but she probably just didn't want to come... She didn't leave any work, so just do whatever you want, and don't do anything that'll get me in trouble. Any questions, no? Alright." She said popping a headphone in her ear and pulling her phone out.

Trunks hadn't done much that day, not like there really was much to do. He just sat there till every period was over, making sure not to talk to anyone...

After the school day was finally over, he decided to walk home. He looked over at the house and saw that Bulma was talking to a black-haired woman. Bulma looked past her and pointed at him. "Oh hi Trunks!" The black-haired woman exclaimed turning around. "I- Chichi Hi" he said slowly. "We're your new neighbors!!" Chichi said. "W-what?" He asked in shock.
"Yeah Trunks!! Your old best friend is your neighbor now!!" Bulma said.

'This day really couldn't get any worse'

It always can Trunks... I mean you have no idea.

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