Chapter 30: Lessons in Vigilance

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Another day, another training session. Despite most of the lair residents thinking that Destiny should spend another day resting, they find themselves seated on the sidelines with Destiny standing in the dead centre of the dojo, fists raised as she faces off against her opponent. There's a glint in her eye, but whether it's based off confidence or cockiness is debatable.

"Don't go easy on me, I've got this," she says, bouncing from foot to foot as she flashes a wide smirk.

April rests one hand on her hip as her eyebrow arches. "Are you sure?"

"I can't even feel it anymore," Destiny insists, rolling her bandaged shoulder. Her tail lashes. "Try me."

April's eyes spark and her hand travels to her belt, brushing over her tessen. Destiny unfurls her fingers only to clench them again, repeating the action a few times. The turtles cast quick glances to each other, then at the girls just in time to see Destiny stutter in her shoulder stretches, a brief wince flitting across her face. Leonardo takes a breath but Donatello's hand clamps over his mouth as the three brothers shake their head at him.

Splinter's gaze pans between the girls for a second before he sucks in a quick breath. "Hajime!" he barks.

April whips her tessen out with a swish and Destiny's uchigatana blade flashes in the light. They lunge with a shout, Destiny going right for a swing. April blocks it, sweeping the blade to one side while she twists the other way and sweeps her leg towards Destiny's face. The wolf mutant tumbles backwards to escape, going head over heels before coming out perched on her haunches with her sword blade aimed out behind her. She grins, tightens her grip and, crouching low to the ground, lunges in yet again.

April hops over the attempted blow and somersaults away, wobbling on the follow-through but sticking it. As Destiny whirls around, teeth gritted and sword held beneath her glaring eyes, April flings her tessen. It spins through the air, capturing Destiny's attention for a split second. In that brief second, April flings a set of kunai at her and Destiny just narrowly flings her sword up in time. The knives hit the weapon in three different spots, two on the curve of the blade and one on the hilt. Destiny lets out a sharp gasp as the sword clatters from her hands and, in another second, April's foot meets her chest and knocks her onto her back.

"Yame!" Splinter commands.

April offers her hand down to Destiny and she takes it, allowing the help needed to haul her back to her feet. Destiny winces and grips her injured shoulder as her ears flatten, earning a worried side glance from April.

"Are you alright?"

"I've been slacking. My muscles hate me."

"Seiza," Splinter says, gesturing to the spots before him. The girls immediately understand the command to kneel down and do so before their Sensei. He bows his head slightly. "Well done, April. You have put those lessons on misdirection to work."

"Thank you, Sensei," April says.

"Destiny," Splinter starts.

"I'm just rusty because I've been off training lately," she says, hardly missing a beat. "If—"

"A ninja does not make excuses for a loss," Splinter retorts, raising his voice just enough to silence her. When she bows her head towards the floor, Splinter looks to the turtles. "Can any of you tell me what Destiny could improve on?"

Thoughtful looks flood their expressions in synch. Michelangelo hums low in his throat and pokes his tongue out while Raphael crosses his arms and furrows his brow. Donatello starts mumbling to himself as his pupils swivel back and forth in his head. Leonardo is the only one who seems resolute.

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