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All right this game has gone on long enough.” Lucifer folded his arms over his chest. “Let's do something else.” He demanded. All eyes turned to me. Ugh now what? I thought. It wasn't easy entertaining demon's angels and one human who appeared to just be laughing at me.
“What about Raid?” Solomon asked. I tsked. That could get insane.
“You really want a bunch of demons playing that?” I asked him. He chuckled.
“What do you care, your safe.” He spread his hands out around my room. Looking around I guess that could be considered true. My room would be home base.
“Lucifer would never go for it.” I stated, folding my arms to glare at the wizard. He rubbed his chin.
“Why don't you explain it to us and we can decide.” Lucifer stated. Asmo was painting Satan's nails now.
“Well…” I glanced at Solomon to see if he would tell them about the game. He spread his hand out, thumb still under his chin a smirk on his lips. I sighed heavily.
“Again there can be different versions. Typically you have two teams. This could be only two players or multiple people as long as the teams are even. Then you have a time keeper, home base and the person, who could also be the time keeper, to give a list or even just one or two items the teams must find and bring back. The first person/ team to do so wins.” I waited.
“And the other version?” Solomon pressed. Nope I didn’t want them playing that one.
“Go on.” Diavolo pressed. Glaring at Solomon I said.
“Another version is where you have again two people or teams, you pick the room such as if it is two people they would go to the opposite persons room. Like Mammon would go to Beel's room and Beel would go to Mammon’s.” There were a few nods.
“In this version your not looking for anything specific. You have a set amount of time say 10 minutes to find the most embarrassing thing in that person’s room you can find.” I finished.
“Uh n…” Lucifer began. I started to smile. Until I heard a loud clap. We turned our heads to look at the beaming grin on the boyish handsome face. His hands held tightly together in front of his broad chest.
Diavolo grinned wickedly. “Oh, that sounds like sooo much fun.” He turned to grin raising his eyebrow at Lucifer. The avatar of pride melted glaring into the carpet.
“Who shall go first? Diavolo asked.
“Well Satan, Asmo and Belphie didn’t get a chance to go in the last game.” I said. Asmo just capped the nail polish.
“Satan's nails need a minute to dry. Guess it's me and Belphie.” He grinned at the youngest brother. My eyes darted to the gleeful look on Solomon's face. This was going to be a disaster.
“Wait we share a room!” Beelzie cried.
“Then Asmo can only search Belphie's side.” I clarified. They agreed.
“Ten minutes sounds good.” Diavolo confirmed. “Does the time start once they leave here or once they get to the room?” he asked.
“That depends. We can agree to one or the other here.” I said.
“What if we did fifteen minutes from this door way?” Solomon suggested. “That would give them five minutes to get to the room and ten to search.” He offered. This was unanimously agreed too. Lucifer set 15 minutes on his timer. Asmo and Belphie stood just outside the door. Each with one hand on the frame. When Lucifer said go, they took off in different directions. I glanced at Beel.
He was wrining his hands together. “Hey you ok?” I asked. He shook his head looking worried.
“What is it?” I pressed.
“Look at Mammon.” He said. The white haired demon was whispering with Satan both were gleefully smirking at Lucifer and Diavolo.
“Oh no.”  I groaned. “They do know if they pick them the other searches their room.” I said.
“I don’t think Mammon cares as long as he gets to search Lucifer's room.” I patted his knee, handing him a chocolate bar that sat beside me as my head spun with the idea. Beel gulped down the snack.
Just as the timer dinged Belphie rushed into the room. Asmo came panting in. A second later.
“Alright show us your spoils!” Solomon cried.  Belphie held up three dildos and a plastic face mask. Laughter erupted around the room as Asmo tried to grab his things.
“What did you find Asmo?” I asked. The avatar of lust held up a DVD case. It was an anime collection. One I know Belphie harassed Levi for having.
“Oh, I thought you hated anime!” Levi yelled. Belphie's face flamed.
“I just hate how you go on about it.” He muttered.
“Alright you each get to pick the next two. Belphie you first.” I said. He smirked.
“Lucifer.” He said with a grin. Mammon jumped up waving his arms to Asmo.
“Alright, I pick Mammon!” Asmo glared at Belphie as they gave the other back their things. An evil grin stretched over the eldest two brother's faces. They walked to the door.
“This will be fun.” Lucifer goaded.
“Yes it will!” Mammon laughed. Beel and I glanced at each other as Diavolo told them they could go. They ran out of sight.
“What do you think Mammon will find?” I meant the question for Beel but it was Diavolo who answered.
“My guess is not much. Lucifer is great at hiding his secretes. Mammon should be worried about what his elder will find.”
“Ugh, he is so shallow, what could his darkest secret be, a hidden credit card?” Asmo waved the thought away with the nail polish cap, he was working on Levi now.
“Maybe someone should go check on Mammon?” Luke suggested. Solomon shook his head.
“By the time anyone gets there he would be headed back.” He stated. Just then something sprang into my head.
“Um, what if Mammon doesn’t really want to find anything but just make a mess of Lucifer ‘s room?” They all turned to look at me. Several mouths hanging open. “We never said to be neat about it.” I added wringing my hands together. Without a word, Beel went and ate six cheeseburgers, a worried frown on his face.
Lucifer returned with time to spare. A pleasant smile turned up the corners of his mouth. He looked pleased as he took his seat. We all watched him but he said nothing as he waited. A second before Diavolo’s timer went off, Mammon returned. Out of breath, clutching his side he wobbled into the room to flopped down on the sleeping bags. His head landed in my lap. I looked down at him as he regained his breathing.
Diavolo looked between the pair. “Lucifer you came back first.” He watched the man beside him.
“That’s ok, Mammon can go first.” He waited. Neither appeared to have much in their hands. With a smirk Mammon pulled something out from under his shirt.
“It took me the entire time but I knew this existed.”  With a triumphant flourish he turned the item around. It was a photograph.
“Oh wow!” Asmo leaned forward. “That was right after the fall.” He reached out to touch the picture. Lucifer slapped his hand.
“Don't touch it!” he cried. All seven brothers stood there. Lucifer was smiling, on arm wrapped happily around Mammon's shoulders. Mammon had one arm around Lucifer's waist the other jokingly giving Leviathan rabbit ears. Levi held onto Mammon's waist with one arm, the other he awkwardly was hugging Satan close to his side. Satan looked happy with one hand on Levi's back the other on Asmodeus’ waist.  Asmo was laughing into the camera as his head was tilted slightly back where he could see what Mammon was doing. He clung to Satan and Beelzebub's jackets. Beel was the only one who had his horns out. He looked hungry as he held Asmo from falling backward. Belphegor was curled in his arms, his head resting on Beel's chest. He looked like he was asleep as he snuggled close to his brother who easily held up his weight.
“I remember taking that photo.” Diavolo said. “It wasn't long after you all took possession of your horns look, Beel  is displaying his.”
“You all look so young…” My voice trailed off as I gazed at them. “We should take another picture, tonight down in the foyer!” I cried.
“Yes! We can have the exchange students be in it!” Diavolo agreed. With him on my side I knew it would happen. I high fived him.
“Do you care to see what I have discovered?” Lucifer asked. We had all nearly forgotten the other half of the game. We turned to him waiting. He stood up to go over to my lap top. Plugging his D.D.D. into a port, he sat back down to turn it around so we all could see the pictures he had taken.
Mammon had converted his closet into an S&M dungeon. There were chains hanging from the walls, black rubber suits in a cupboard, whips, hooks and various other objects lining a metal counter. A table sat in the center with more chains to bind someone too. He had a torture room.
It was Satan who said that. “Who do you torture in there?” Beel asked. Mammon's face went redder than his younger brothers hair as Lucifer showed the last picture. It was of a billboard that had many, many pictures of Mammon tied in chains hanging from the wall or celling being whipped savagely. Or he was on the table with someone in the suit inserting objects into various openings in his body. The horror of it was Mammon looked like he enjoyed it all!.
“Who do you get to….” Luke shut up when Simeon grabbed his hand.
“That's just…” Satan stopped. Diavolo was looking very curious at it. He then turned to look at the rest of us.
“Well this beats Asmo's dildo collection.” Asmo turned red. “But each of you are still starring at those photos. I bet you all would love a turn in those chains, or maybe…” he touched Lucifer's arm, “A turn in the suit.” He purred.
“Um.” Mammon said. “Who do you think is in that suit?” he raised an eyebrow to Diavolo. The whole room went silent.
“Lucifer was the first one back. Did you think it might be because he already knew about my playroom.” We looked between Mammon and Lucifer. The elder brother squirmed a little.
This night was getting weirder and weirder, it was barely midnight!
“I choose Diavolo!” Lucifer cried unplugging the devises. Mammon smirked.
“Then I choose, Satan"

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