Day 3

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Adolescence is a rough time for many of us, during which we act on impulse, misread or misinterpret social cues and emotions, get into accidents of all kinds, get involved in fights engage in dangerous or risky behavior

Adolescents are less likely to:

Think before they act pause to consider the consequences of their actions change their dangerous or inappropriate behaviors. It is a phase.

A VERY common phrase that circles around our environment  " Troubling Teens"

I have one question for parents out there...What do you do to help your troubling teens?

The few, what we like to call them as "most memorable" years of a teens life is spent in a dark place. A place where they reside and call home, a deep trench between depression, anxiety and confusion. 

Dear Parents,

    Please be there for your teen before you lose them completely. You don't need to PROTECT your child from the voids of this world, you don't have to cage them till they find freedom a punishment. Let them be!

Be there to bandage their wounds if they get into fights, be there as a shoulder during their first heartbreak. You would rather want your child seeking comfort in you than wishing death upon themselves. Let them explore the world! They are teens just once!

You'd rather want to battle their mental health alongside them than seeing them in the coffin.

Adolescents aka adulting, a stage everyone goes through. Everyone has different ways of approaching to their problems. No matter if you cry through it, you scream and shout, you fight and engage in activities unacceptable by some. Please know that whatever you've been through, whatever method and solution you opted for, YOU SURVIVED. If you survived yesterday, you are surviving today and you WILL survive tomorrow. 

Words might not seem true to you right now, but trust me You WILL get through. Just hang in there, just another day.

"Teenagers are the most misunderstood people on the planet. They are treated like children and expected to behave like adults" -E.T 271

"First things first; I by no means meant any direct attack to anyone, henceforth, I kindly apologize to whoever felt offended.

Secondly;  I am not really a social person, but if you ever want to talk, feel free to PM me. If an ear is what you need, an ear is what I'll be. Don't hesitate or fear of ping me and talk about anything and everything. (From murdering educational platforms glowblossom ;) or serious stuff) even if you are really bored.

and lastly; 

Thank you for existing  Fucks_For_Drugs

and my personal editor   parkkimhue"

                                                                                 - Inked_inBlood

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2020 ⏰

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