Animal Crackers and Vogue

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CEO of not owning glee


Finn was sitting across the playground. Puck had ditched him to go make out with Rachel under the slide. And to be honest, he isn't thrilled about it. Rachel has been over at his house every weekend with Kurt since they were all 5. She's like a little sister to him, and he knows how his best friend can play girls.

Somehow, though, when he sees Rachel bang her head and Puck hold it gently, it seems different...Maybe Puck won't hurt her?

Still. He still has a bad feeling about this. And he doesn't like it. Finn decides to walk over to where Kurt is spying, much like himself. He sits down next to his brother.

"I have a bad feeling about this," Finn states. Kurt nods,

"I hate to say it cause she's my best friend, but I do too...What if Puck hurts her?" The small brother looks up at the taller one. His face is muddled with fear and worry. Finn decides he hates that look on his brother.

"Then I'll mess him up. I don't care if he's my best friend. We all need roughing up sometimes when we do something wrong." He looks back to the couple, "Even if they're the people we care about. They're the ones who need it the most."

Kurt smiles up at him, "When did you get so smart?" he asks.

Finn smiles back his lopsided smile, "I got a C on my History year yesterday, and ever since then I feel ten times smarter!"

Kurt laughs, "Yeah, I can tell."

The two boys smile at each other, talking until the bell rang.


"I'm so sorry Kurt," Rachel explained, "I promised Puck I'd accompany him to the skate park today."

"It's no big deal Rach. You have a boyfriend now! I'll just walk to home myself. I need to stop by your house though, I left my copy of last month's vogue."

Rachel nods solemnly, "You definitely don't wanna forget that. Again, I'm sorry I'm bailing!"

"Don't worry about it," Kurt smiles and hugs his best friend, "I'll talk to you later!" And with that he starts walking down the road to his house.

Ever since he started school, he's always walked home with Rachel, and  if Rachel wasn't at school, he'd walk with Finn. This is the first time he's ever had to do it alone. And to be honest, he's a little nervous.

So many things can go wrong on just a simple walk home. There's safety and numbers, and today Kurt's numbers are pretty slim.

Just then, he got an idea.

A bright smile stretched across the young boys face as he turns around and sprints to the elementary school.

"Hey!" Kurt yells as he approaches Blaine.

Blaine turns to face him, and an identical smile spreads on his face, "Hey Kur-oah!"

Kurt barreled into the boy, knocking them both over. They hold each other close as they tumble, and then burst into laughter.

"This is just like when we met!" Blaine laughs, "Except you ran into me!"

Kurt laughs along, "Yeah, and your sisters not here to yell at us for making eye contact."

"Wait, really? Where is she?" Blaine's hair is a wild mess like every day. Curls are sticking out in every which way, and he pulls out a bottle of water as he speaks. Dumping it on his hand, he attempts to slick it back with no avail.

"Hanging out with her new boyfriend, Noah Puckerman."

"No way! That actually happened! I heard her talking about it on the way home yesterday, but I didn't really believe it! So that's why she wore her yellow skirt today!" Blaine nods.

"Yup! I got lonely walking home, so I came to get you so we could walk together!" Kurt smiles brightly, and links his arm with Blaine's like he and Rachel do.

Blaine's heart soars.

They laugh and joke on the way home, fitting together seamlessly. It feels like no time at all when they arrive at the steps of the Anderson-Berry household.

"I need to pick up my copy of last months vogue, can you help me find it?" Kurt asks. Blaine nods happily,

"Only if you let me look at it with you!"

Kurt's eyes widen, "You wanna read it with me? You like Vogue too?" he asks.

Blaine smiles brightly, "Duh! Who wouldn't love it! But we have to find it first."

The two kids step into the house, and immediately start searching.

"Well hello boys!" LeRoy's voice descends from the stairs, "Blaine, where's your sister?"

The young boy looks up with wide eyes, not sure how to answer the question. "She's uh, at the skate park."

Kurt smiles a little, tapping Blaine's hand, "She offered me to come with her, but I said I would walk with Blaine home and grab my copy of Vogue. Do you happen to have seen it anywhere?" he asks politely.

LeRoy seems satisfied with the answer, and nods, "Yes, in fact I have. I saw it yesterday when I was cleaning up for dinner. It's on the counter. There's also some snacks on the counter as well that you two can help yourselves to."

Blaine smiles happily and runs to the kitchen, yelling, "Come on, Kurt!" behind him. He laughs and follows him suit.

Kurt grabs the copy and sits at the table, after carefully choosing a juice pouch and some animal crackers. The shorter boy sat next to him with a similar snack, and leaned in close so they could read the magazine together.

Hiram's arms wrap around LeRoy from behind and whisper, "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

His husband smiles and nods, "I believe I am..."

They watch as the smaller boys discuss fashion and laugh together.

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