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I own nothing



Letting her brother go was one of the hardest things Rachel Berry has ever had to do. Sure, he drives her crazy, but she loves Blaine more than anything in this world. She felt like she failed him when she had left him alone at that dance. And now he's gone.

At night, she would sneak into her brothers room and crawl in his bed, sleeping under his covers. Once Blaine was gone, he was gone. He barely called or texted, even Kurt. Their friendship ticked Rachel off to no end, but the fact that her brother wouldn't even talk to him was concerning.

Her dads told her that he was just dealing with what had happened on his own, to give him time. Rachel didn't want to give him time. She wanted to have her brother back. Truth be told, she was lonely without him...Who else would she argue with over the remote and the aux cord? No one, that's who.

By the next year barely anyone remembered that Rachel Berry had a little brother.

Junior year started out...interesting, at best. She and Puck have been rock solid all of sophomore year and the summer. Or so she thought.

After school, the couple was walking down the hallway, hand in hand. They were looking for Finn and Quinn, for they were going to all go get coffee from the Lima Bean and cram for a history exam.

"There they are!" Rachel nodded to the end of the hallway where Finn and Quinn stood. They looked as if they were whispering. And was Quinn-

"Crying?" Puck asked. "Why is she crying?"

"I don't know..." Rachel mumbled. The two continues to walk down the hallway towards them, and Finn looked up, locking eyes with Rachel. His eyes were wide with fear, his face slack with shock.

"Hey...Is everything okay?" Rachel asked. Quinn turned towards her with tears streaming down her face. She opens her mouth to talk to her, but then she notices Puck standing next to Rachel. Quinn's entire demeanor changes, and she stands up straighter, glaring.

"We just don't feel like coffee today. We'll see you later."

Puck's face twists in confusion, "What-Why?"

Finn mumbles, "I'm gonna be a dad..."

Quinn's head whips around, and she whacks him in the chest. "Finn!"

"Wait, what?" Puck asks, stepping closer, "So you two like...Did it?"

Quinn looks up at Puck, almost sadly, "No, the-the doctor said it came from a hot tub..."

Puck's eyes widen and he gives Quinn a look. She nods very subtly.

Rachel was too focused on Finn to notice their little interaction. His face is pale, and Rachel squeezes his hand. "You're gonna be a great dad..."

Finn pulls his hand back quickly. "I think I'm gonna be sick..." he mumbles as he backs away, shaking his head.

Quinn turns to him brokenly, whispering his name. He just shakes his head again and leaves. Puck reaches out for Quinn, but she flinches just like Finn did.

"Don't." She glares icily. She whispers, "You've done enough..."

Puck staggers back, watching her walk away.

"What was that about, Noah?" Rachel asks. He just shakes his head,

"Don't worry about it babe. She's just being hormonal. I bet she blames me for Finn being all upset about it. Let's just go to the Lima Bean and get a coffee. Just chill and study. You're the only way I can even remotely pass a test."

Rachel smiles and nods, wanting to believe him so much that she does. "You're lucky to have me."

"That I am," He replies and kisses her softly. Her stomach erupts with butterflies and she smiles brightly. She never felt fireworks when she kissed Noah, but it never failed to make her feel happy. At least someone cared for her.


Quinn's pregnancy was McKinley High's best kept secret for a whole two weeks. Finn eventually broke and started crying in front of Coach Beiste, and one of the football guys overheard.

Quinn stayed on the cheerios, because she managed to convince Sue that having a pregnant girl on the cheer team would boost their rep, and oddly enough, she was right. Quinn Fabrey got more attention about being pregnant than she ever did before. All of the local church groups took her in. The school shamed her, but it died down after a week or so.

The one thing that didn't pass, however, was the tension between her and Finn.

Nothing ever seemed right anymore. Quinn was distant, and angry. Finn tried to comfort her, but nothing he could ever do seemed to work.

"I don't get it!" He complained when she was over at his house. "I try to be sweet and bring her the food she wants, but she snaps at me for everything! And I know she has like, hormones and stuff, but, it's like she has this like, secret hatred for me. Like she's out to get me. What's the word for that?"

"Vendetta? I think that word is rather appropriate," Rachel replies, leaning closer to Finn. He smiles his lopsided smile,

"I guess so. Thanks for helping me pass the vocab quiz in English, by the way. You helping me study is really upping my grades."

"No problem," she says automatically, "It's my pleasure. You know, I've been thinking I should open up my services to the public. Like, for money."

Finn smiles at her, "You'll still let me come to you for free though, right?"

Rachel can't help it when the blush creeps up her neck. The more they talk, the closer they get—almost like their gravitating like magnets. "Of course. But only because you're special."

They sit there like that, sharing shy smiles over there textbooks. Finn doodles on his paper, then he looks up, almost realizing something. "Did you uh, tell Puck I was coming over here?"

"No, should I have?" Rachel said quickly. He shook his head,

"No! I mean, I didn't tell Quinn...So maybe we could just like, keep these study sessions as like, an us thing. No one has to know?"

Rachel gets lost in his eyes, and can't help herself when she mumbles, "Sure, that sounds good..."

Just then, there was a knock on the door. The two jump apart, clearly trying to act not suspicious. "Who is it?" Finn yelps.

"Uhh, Kurt. Rachel came over to watch Glow Up with me, and she went to get a drink and never came back. Carol said she was in here?" He opened the door to find the two sitting on the bed. Rachel quickly stood up, smoothing her skirt.

"I was just talking to Finn about glee club. He's thinking about joining, you know.

"I am?" Finn asks, to which he gets a kick in the foot as a response. "I am," he tries again, this time more sure of himself.

"Oh, really?" Kurt asks, crossing his arms. "Since when?"

"Since ever! I love singing in the shower, and you're always saying how glee needs more guys. Rachel was just filling me in on the details!"

"Alright. Then come to glee tomorrow."

"What?" Finn's entire face changes.

"You heard me. Big talk, but can you back it up?" Kurt smiles sweetly.

"Pfft, uh, yeah. I'm gonna blow you away!" Finn stands up, almost like it's a competition for him to prove his willingness.

"Um," Rachel cuts in, "Kurt I kinda wanna watch Glow Up now. Come on." Linking their arms, she leads Kurt out the door. Before the two leave, she steals one more glance Finn's way.

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