Chapter 34: When push comes to shove

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Amora was still working as they were all gathered in the dining hall for dinner, her eyes actively scanning the papers beside her as the others ate. Every few minutes she would take a bite of food but her eyes wouldn't leave the papers.

"Mori, I was wondering if I could head to the market today to see what the merchants brought from the other realms" Lorelei broke the silence.

"You don't need my approval to go to the market, as long as you aren't fist fighting drunks in the streets I have no problem with it..." Amora mumbled.

"So you don't care if I take Skal with me?"

Amora glanced up from her papers, a sharp glare directed at her sister, "Why would Skal need to go with you?" She hissed.

"I just thought that-"


"Mori" Lorelei whined.

"No means no. Take Sif if you want company so badly. Skal stays under my protection."

Amora seemed to dismiss the conversation as she looked back down at her work.

"Mori, it's just the market, nothing could go wrong with how fortified Nornheim is, besides, some fresh air would do the kid some good-"

"You will not take my son out of my sight am I clear!" Amora snapped.

Sif and Skal both looked at Amora in shock as they heard her shout.

Clearing her throat, Amora gathered her papers and quickly left the dining room, not bothering to finish her meal. The sound of her boots on the stone tiles echoed around the Enchantress as she walked quickly away from the dining room.

"Mori!" Lorelei called out, hoping to reason with her sister.

Amora kept her pace and ignored her sister.

"Amora Karnilladottir!" Lorelei called out.

Amora stopped, running her tongue along the inside of her mouth. "How dare you..." She seethed, turning around to look at her sister. "How dare you use that name"

"I'm sorry but you need to listen to me-"

Amora pinned Lorelei to the wall, her forearm pressed firmly against her sister's throat. There was a sinister glaze over Amora's eyes, Lorelei clawed at her sister's arm but Amora only pressed harder.

"Mori-" Lorelei choked out, she could feel her air supply being cut off.

"You will not take him from me. I will not allow it." Amora hissed.

"He's not your- AH!" Lorelei could taste blood as Amora slammed her against the wall again.

"Ask me if I give a shit."

Lorelei could see a sinister glaze cross over Amora's jade colored eyes, she had seen it before, she had seen it in Karnilla's eyes. As Amora looked into her sister's eyes, expecting the life to drain from them she seemed to snap back into her own mind. The glaze over her eyes vanished and instead a blue shine circled her iris's before disappearing. The enchantress stumbled back and leaned against the wall as Lorelei dropped to the floor, gasping for air and coughing. The two just looked at each other, they both knew that there was nothing to say, what could they say?

"We need to talk" Lorelei choked out.

Amora nodded and mumbled something under her breath in agreement.


The sister's sat across from each other in one of the libraries of the palace, neither spoke first and the only sound in the room was the flicker of the sconces on the walls.

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