shitpost 26

347 9 2

dr bright: *holding a barbie like a microphone* would any of you fuck your clone? *passes barbie to 590*

scp 590: *holding barbie like a microphone* i don't wanna go, like, FUCK somebody and be like "Oh wE hAvE tHE sAMe lOvE hANdLeS, TwINzIeS!" that's fucking disgusting! that's so gross! my body is not a temple, it's luigi's mansion! it is disgusting and i don't wanna fuck it! *passes barbie to 166*

scp 166: *holding barbie like a microphone* this isn't about being attracted to your clone-

scp 590: ITS SEX!

scp 166: it's about knowing what you want, and nobody can pleasure you better than yourself. it's about knowing what you want. it's not like "oh, i wanna fuck myself" it's like "nobody could do this better than i could" *passes barbie to dr clef*

dr clef: *holding barbie like a microphone*i, for one, would like to say i am fine with myself, i'm confident in my own body. i could look myself in the eye and jack off, i could do it. it's not, like, the top of my list, but i could do it and not freak out. so i feel like i could look at my clone nude and be like "yeah! shawty kinda thicc!" *passes microphone back to dr bright*

dr bright: *holding barbie like a microphone* have you guys never sat on your hand before jerking off to have it numb? fucking your clone isn't that different.

scp 590: you are all disgusting

and that is what we call family bonding 💖

in regards to clef saying his clone is thicc, he is canonically (i think) a fat old guy who's 5'3", so his clone would be thicc

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