It Started With Your Pencil

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Oof I need to stop writing new stories, but I can't help myself and after I started my Gorillaz fanfiction I realized I like writing reader inserts because I don't have to focus on making some amazing OC when the reader is the amazing person with their own personality! Also sorry if your not, but the reader was raised in America! Dark themes will be present in the future, viewer discretion is advised.

"(Y/N)! Hurry and get up, or you'll be late for the exam!" Your host mother Takamiya calls out down from the kitchen. You take her by surprise when you hop down the stairs already dressed in a loose dark pink blouse which was tucked into a simple black skirt with a bag containing a tracksuit inside on your shoulders.

"I'm already ready!" You say with a bright smile.

Usually, you would sleep in and have to rely on someone else, or an alarm to rouse you from your sleep, but today had been the day you had waited for your entire life. The UA high-school entrance exam! In truth you weren't even born in Japan where the famous hero school resided, hence your host mother, you were born in (home country) raised in America.

Once your parents had seen your potential and drive to be a hero as well as having to listen to you beg for years and years they sent you to Japan on an exchange program so you could try to make it into the esteemed UA. You were placed in the humble home of Takamiya and Kakeru Wanatabe. They were kind and down-to-earth host parents. They didn't overstep any boundaries and you showed them the utmost respect, never complaining when they asked you to help out with cooking or cleaning.

You couldn't sleep at all last night. You tossed and turned anxious, yet excited. You knew the acceptance rate was low, the hero course being no exception with only four students being accepted by recommendation and 36 students get accepted from the entrance exam leaving a total of 40 students in a total of the average 300 students that attempt to get into the esteemed hero course. The odds certainly weren't in your favor, but that wouldn't stop you.

Sure there are other hero-based curriculums at less rigorous schools, but they weren't the number one hero academy in the world like UA. Only UA had a full staff of pro heroes, hero internships, and the ever famous UA sports competition that was broadcasted for the whole world to see. Getting into UA was an almost guaranteed pathway to becoming a famous pro hero. Any other school just didn't cut it in your eyes. It produced heroes such as Erasure Head, Present Mic, Midnight, and the number one hero All Might.

Not only that, but you didn't want to waste your parent's money, but you couldn't even fathom not making it into UA, actually you refused the thought entirely.

"I'm going to make it! I will be a hero!" You'd chant to yourself every time doubt try to claw its way into your mind. Not getting in wasn't an option for you, but with your quirk and the endless amount of training you did, you were sure you could get into the prestigious academia.

"Awake and dressed? I must say this is a first let me go get a calendar to mark the occasion." Takamiya said smugly. You rolled your eyes playfully grabbing a freshly made meat bun off the counter popping it into your mouth. The warm bun heated your body on its descent to your stomach, you were in such a rush you didn't even try to savor the taste of the bun as you usually would.

"Alright, I'm heading out, thanks for breakfast!" You called rushing towards the front door.

"The exam won't start for another hour, it only takes twenty minutes to get to UA on the train!" Takamiya called out.

"The earlier I'm there the more eager and ambitious I'll look!" You said not looking back. You walked through the door closing it behind you.

You were far too anxious to idly wait any longer. Besides, you needed to be overly prepared, wouldn't want to risk any chance of being late now. You ran down the steps of your temporary home, down the sidewalk, towards the subway. (H/C) locks flew wildly behind you as you raced to the station.

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