It Was Then You Were In A Surprise Photo Shoot

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Though you don't get to keep any of the pictures

I'm back bitches! Sorry for being so infrequent with my chapters but I hope you'll enjoy this one! In this chapter, you'll understand why the MC has so many quirks. Didn't want to make her OP without any sort of explanation. :p Feel free to send me any questions you may have. Hope you enjoy it!

You were unable to contain your excitement as you squealed with delight while performing numerous victory dances in your room.

"I did it! I freaking did it! Hell yeah!" You boasted still dancing on top of your bed. You heard rampant footsteps making their way upstairs towards your bedroom. Both your host parents opened your door to see just what you were yelling about, concern etched on their faces. In your hands, you held the acceptance letter from UA while on the ground was a disc that was currently projecting a hologram of the world's number one hero All Might informing you that you had indeed got accepted into UA with a total of 75 points from the practical exam.

42 villain points and 33 hero points from saving Izuku. You were too engrossed in your celebration of getting in, you didn't even pay attention to what your placement was in the exam. Not that you cared about placement anyway. Getting in was all that mattered. You wished you had known they rewarded individuals with hero points for heroic acts performed during the exam, then maybe you wouldn't have cried so much and embarrassed yourself in front of that handsome boy who says you on the sidewalk, but you understood that someone who only performs heroic acts for the points and merit isn't truly a hero. You were proud of yourself for being able to prove you had a heroic personality to the judges of the exam.

"I got in!" You cried joyfully to them bouncing up and down.

"That's lovely (Y/N), but please stop bouncing on the bed, you might break it," Takamiya said worriedly.

"Oh sorry! I'm just SO FREAKING HAPPY!" You shouted with glee before jumping off of the poor bed.

"And inside voices please!" Kakeru added to the lecture.

"Oops! Sorry again! I should call my parents, but it's nighttime there I'll have to wait till later. Oh! I need to see if Izuku made it in! Be back soon." You said so quickly your host parents barely registered what you said as they watched you rush out not even waiting for permission. They gave each other a confused glance before simply shrugging together at your antics.

You probably could've just texted your new friend considering you had his number, but you were way too rambunctious to even think straight. You also felt the need to tell him in person, hoping he wouldn't mind an impromptu visit and you remembered where his apartment complex was from walking him there.

The two of you hadn't spoken or even texted one another since the week prior when you took the exam, both so consumed in your unnecessary depression of believing you had failed the exam. You wanted to text him and meet up but would cry every time you picked up your phone. You weren't usually this emotional, but you truly believed your dreams had been ruined.

And Izuku wanted nothing more than to see you again. More than anything even, just to retrieve those emotions back that he got just from you being near him, however, he also was depressed. Feeling nothing but shame and disappointment in himself for letting All Might and you down. His overactive brain convinced himself you'd want nothing to do with him after seeing him fail so completely in the exam even though you had already said otherwise. It was true the boy already had low self-esteem and self-doubts about himself before meeting you, but after meeting you they seemed to increase tenfold.

The voices in his head always seemed to be making him believe that he wasn't good enough for someone so seemingly perfect as you. He would clutch the pencil he had taken from you to his chest whenever the raw emotions would become too much, finding comfort in the item and stare at the smiley face emoji you had sent him after typing your number yourself into his phone all while wishing he could work up the nerve to text you.

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