Next He Accidentally Cops A Feel While Helping You

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  He swears it was an accident!

Little A/N: The dialog will not be word for word with the anime. As much as I love the series I don't have time to rewatch it just to write down all the dialog.

Izuku ran to catch up with you and the two of you pushed open the doors of UA together.

"(Y/N), even if one of us doesn't pass the exam can we still be friends?" He asks although he had a sour taste in his mouth from using your name and friend in the same sentence for a reason unbeknownst to him. You looked up at him giving him a warm smile.

"Of course! I'd love to be friends with you! I wouldn't worry though, I have a feeling we'll both pass the test." You said confidently. Izuku wondered how you could be so positive when you had no idea what his quirk was.


The two of you made it into the exam room where the written test was being held and info for the practical exam would be given by pro hero Present Mic. You let out a groan when you noticed the only available seats were two next to the boy who you learned was named Bakugou. On the bright side, you got to sit by your new friend. You were really happy about Izuku asking to be your friend since leaving America and coming to Japan you were worried it'd be really difficult making new friends you being a foreigner and all, but here you were with one already. You sat down avoiding eye contact with the explosive teen who was glaring at you harshly while Izuku happily sat down next to you.

"Oi! Why are you damn nerd sitting next to me?" Bakugou shouted. You looked over towards him holding your finger to your lips shushing him sternly. Bakugou once again was taken back by your defiance. You could see a vein looking ready to burst on his forehead obviously not liking being told what to do. He wanted to get in the last word when Present Mic strutted onto the stage.

"Alright, ladies and gents please settle down and listen up as I explain how today's exam is gonna go down! Are you ready?" He cheered out trying to hype up the examines, but got an awkward silence in response.

"Wow, tough crowd! On to the explanation of the exam then!" He shouted. He started to explain how after you all took the written exam you would be split up into groups indicated on a card you all received in the mail and fight robots with different point values. Those with the highest points would be the ones to pass.

A tall boy with short raven-colored hair stood up stiffly shooting his hand perfectly straight in the air. His rectangular glasses reflected the lights of the room, making it hard to see his eyes. You listened as he questioned why there was one robot without a point value, then boldly proceeded to question the credibility of UA making your eyes widen.

"Damn he's ballsy." You mutter to yourself making Bakugou smirk at your observation. The boy then proceeded to insult Izuku's hair causing the messy-haired boy to shrink in his seat from embarrassment.

You were about to jump up and ask 'What the hell does hair have to do with being a hero?' when Izuku placed his hand on your shoulder.

"It's fine (Y/N), I don't want you to get in trouble," Izuku said softly, looking at you with pleading eyes. He didn't want you risking your chances of getting in for him as much as it warmed his heart, he wanted to make sure you two got in together. That's what was most important. You couldn't say no looking into his adorable eyes and settled back into your seat.

Present Mic continued to explain the exams clearing up the fact that the robot wasn't marked because it had no point value and should be ignored, while you looked at the card that had been mailed to you when you first registered for the exam that you had brought in your bag.

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