You Stand Up For Him, While He Once Again Steals Your Property!

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Wow! The powers of karma do not apply to you I guess!

Damn, why's Bakugou looking so smexy in this picture? Thanks for your patience while I wrote this chapter. School has been hectic. Homelife has been hectic. Existing is hectic but thanks for sticking around. Your encouragement fuels me. So much has happened these last few months that have been putting a halt on my writing. I hope one day things settle down. My head constantly swirls with different ideas for this story that make me want to write so bad but I get so busy. Please accept this extra-long chapter as a token of my gratitude and don't hesitate to comment with your opinions!

"(Y/N), you're seriously going to be late if you don't get out of the bathroom right now!" Takamiya called out from downstairs.

"Just a sec!" You called out for the hundredth time. You straighten your grey and green school uniform once again and soothed down your hair. You certainly were keeping up the trend of looking your absolute best on the first day of school. You had spent the last two hours in the bathroom styling your (H/L) locks and even going as far as applying some makeup along with a few spritzes of your favorite perfume.

Even though you had already made quick friends with Izuku you were itching to make even more friends. This was the school you were going to be attending for the next 3 years after all that would indefinitely decide your future as a hero. You figured it would be much more enjoyable with a few friends you could count on and avoid what you experienced in middle school.

You shook away the unpleasant feeling that appeared when you thought back to middle school away and looked upon your mirror one last time.

"New school, new me! I'll make a terrific impression this time." You muttered determinedly. You swiftly packed things like deodorant, a hairbrush, and a bottle of your favorite perfume in your pack in the event you had to freshen up knowing the curriculum required plenty of physical activities.

You made sure with absolute certainty that you had a pencil and your subway card in your backpack not wanting a repeat of the exam fiasco. You shuddered at the reminder that you still owed Bakugou a favor. You wondered if he had managed to pass the exam after all.

"It would be hella embarrassing for him if he didn't consider all the shit he talked. But then at least I wouldn't have to worry about running into him." You chuckled at the thought.

After grabbing a breakfast bar from Takamiya you headed out the door. Much to your surprise, you were met with two round emerald eyes when you opened the door. You quickly jumped back startled only to see the rest of the body those sparkling eyes were attached to.

Izuku was standing in front of your door with a raised clenched fist ready to knock on your door.

"Izuku-kun? What are you doing here?" You asked kindly with a tinge of morning voice. Izuku lowered his hand behind his neck looking a little embarrassed by the situation.

"Well, I was hoping you'd maybe want to walk to school together since it's the first day and we take the same subway-" Izuku rambled timidly.

You held your hand up, cutting him off.

"Of course I do, I was about to text you asking if you wanted to walk to the station together but it seems you beat me to it." You gave him a closed-eyed smile that sent his mind reeling. Not only were you acting so cute with the smiles and adding an honorific to his name, but you even looked cuter than usual today. He could tell you put extra work in your appearance today and your sweet-scented perfume wafted around you stimulating Izuku's olfaction.

"Okay let's go then!" Izuku spun around on his heels to hide his flustered expression. The two of you walked along quietly not having much to talk about on the very short walk to the station. When you arrived at the access gate you proudly flashed Izuku your subway card.

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