Chapter 5

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When we got to Hogwarts I was in shock. It was so incredibly huge and so insanely beautiful. It was nighttime by the time we got there so there was lights brightening up the school and the walkway to the water around the school.
"EVERYONE ON A BOAT! FOUR PEOPLE PER BOAT PLEASE AND THANK YOU" Hagrid yelled. I was lost In thought staring at Hogwarts that I didn't realize I lost Harry, Ron, and Neville. When I found them, they were on a boat. I ran to it but I was too slow. The girl I had met earlier, Hermione, had taken the fourth place on the boat. Harry looked at me and his eyes were sad. I mouthed the words "it's okay" and went to go find another boat. I sat in an empty boat and was staring at the school again.
"Hey" a familiar voice said.
I jumped because it scared the heck out of me. I turned around and saw Draco Malfoy smiling at me. I smiled back at him.
"I didn't mean to scare you" he said.
"It's okay." I replied.
"Listen...y/n, I'm really sorry about today. On the train I mean. I don't want you to see me as a bully." He said.
I smiled at him and said,
"Draco, if a bully was all I saw you as, I wouldn't have smiled at you before I left."
Draco started blushing and asked
"Uh yeah. Haha. Why did you? I mean, I wouldn't have if I were you."
Then I started blushing and looked away. I didn't know why I did. I guess It was because I liked him and I didn't want him to think I didn't like him anymore.
"I-I don't really know." I said as I looked down. Then he grabbed my hand. My left hand. I looked at him and he was looking at my scar.
"Potter" he whispered. He looked at me in awe, "You're Lily and James' daughter. y/n Potter."
I nodded at him. He looked at my scar again and he asked, "it's a rose?"
My heart stopped and I got millions of butterflies again. I showed Ron, Hermione, and Neville my scar on the train and none of them saw the rose. But Draco did.
"Y-yeah. It's a rose" I said.
He smiled at me and then looked back at my wrist. I was amazed that he saw the rose. But I could also tell that he became a different person when with me.
"Well, here we are." I Said.
"y/n?" Draco asked, I looked at him.
"Do you know what house you're going to be in?" He asked. Ron was talking about the houses on the train. I had no idea which one I belonged in. I wonder if Draco knew which one he was gonna be in.
"I have no idea, do you know what house you're going to be in?" I asked. He smirked and nodded.
"Slytherin" He said. ~
When we got to the front doors I found Harry and Ron. Draco was still standing really close to me. A woman that introduced herself as Professor McGonagall led us inside and had told us to wait outside the dining hall so they could prepare the sorting ceremony. She was old and had blue eyes and her grey hair up in a bun. Draco walked towards my brother and said "So, Harry and y/n potter have come to Hogwarts." Everyone looked at us in awe. Draco smiled at me and walked towards my brother, "I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." Ron snickered at his name. Draco quickly turned to Ron and glared at him, "Think my names funny do you? There's no need to ask you yours. Red hair, and a hand me down robe? You must be a Weasley." He turned to Harry and said "You will soon learn that some wizarding families are better than others, Potter. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there." He smiled and held out his hand. My brother looked at Draco, glared at him, and said "I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself, thanks"  Draco glared at Harry and McGonagall came out and tapped Draco on the shoulder. Draco turned around and looked at her and then walked back to where he was.
"The sorting ceremony, will begin." McGonagall said. She started walking inside and we all followed her. Draco was behind me and Harry in front of me. In the dining hall, there were four long tables with lots of people at each one. On what looked like a stage sat all of the adults. I assumed those were the professors. What also stood on the stage, was a small chair and a large hat. Professor McGonagall told us all to stop as she walked on the stage like thing.
"When I call your name, you will come up and sit in this chair. I will place the sorting hat on your head and it will chose one of the four houses, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, or Slytherin. This house will be your home and your family while you are living at Hogwarts." She said, "First up, Draco Malfoy."
Draco walked up and sat in the small chair. McGonagall was about to place the hat on his head when it was inches away the hat yelled,
Draco smirked and walked towards the Slytherin table.
"Next," McGonagall Said, "Hermione Granger."
She placed the hat on Hermiones head and it yelled,
A handful kids went after Hermione and then McGonagall called up the next person I knew.
"Ronald Weasley."
The hat went to his head and stayed there for about a minute and then yelled,
The hat had already sorted 5 Ravenclaws,4 Slytherins, 8 Hufflepuffs, and 6 Gryffindors. I was really scared about what house I was going to be put into. I wanted to be in the same house as Harry. I knew he didn't want to be put in Slytherin but I actually didn't mind. Draco was in Slytherin.
"Harry Potter." McGonagall Said.
My brother looked at me worried, I smiled at him and he walked up and sat in the chair. McGonagall put the hat on his head and it stayed there for a really long time. After a while, it yelled,
I was really happy for Harry. I just hoped that he would be happy for me if I got into Slytherin.
"y/n Potter." McGonagall Said. I walked up and sat in the chair. I looked at Draco who looked worried. I looked at Harry who looked excited. Professor McGonagall put the hat on my head and I heard a voice.
"y/n Potter....interesting head you have here. Some Gryffindor definitely, but lots of Slytherin. Just like your brother. But he begged to not be put in Slytherin. You're different. As much as you want to be with your brother, you wish to be with young Malfoy. Oh you were in his head too. Hmm...I think you better be..."
The voice then came out of my head and spoke out loud,
I looked at Draco who was smirking, then I looked at Harry. He was smiling at me. I looked at him sadly and walked up to him.
"Harry I wanted to be with you" I said sadly.
"Hey it's okay. You belong where you belong. You're still my sister and I still love you" He said smiling. I hugged him and kissed his cheek. I then walked over to the Slytherin table and sat across from Draco Malfoy.
"I'm really happy you're in Slytherin." He said with a smile.
I laughed, "I am too, now I can see your charming face everyday!" I said sarcastically but not really sarcastically.
"And I can see yours." He said quietly, But I still heard him. I looked at him and smiled playfully. The rest of the first years were sorted and then there was a feast.

y/n potter and draco malfoy Where stories live. Discover now