Mr. Knox

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Don't have much to say except... enjoy :)





Someone is in the hallway.

Chapter III

( Readers POV )

The sound of their shoes stop.

"(Y/N)?" Someone whispered. What?

"(Y/N)? Are you in here?" It's Mr. Knox. Slowly opening the door I peek out at the Languages teacher. Oh thank god. Running out to him I basically fall into his arms, clinging to him and slightly shaking.

"Shit. Mr. Knox I thought you were the shooter, holy crap. I thought I was going to-" Looking up at him the words caught in my throat.

He must've had a huge growth spurt because he seems to be towering over me, he smells horrible... like sewage in a heatwave. His skin, instead of the normal tanned skin it's almost a sickly pale colour but covered in tattoos and his normally dark brown hair turned a dark greasy black. He smiled.

What the fuck? His teeth were all like pointed yellow spikes like some gross vampire. Quickly I stumble backwards onto the ground with a loud shriek. Then he speaks in a loud booming voice, like one of a warrior on the battlefield.

"What's the problem? Cat got your-" Something bronze hit him from behind, causing him to roar in pain and spin around to his attacker. A tanned, black haired boy wearing jeans and an orange shirt stood in the entrance to the bathroom, holding-

Is that a sword?

Mr. Knox lunged at him so they went tumbling out of the bathroom. Still shaking I get up on my feet but notice the bronze sword laying on the ground. Picking it up and running out of the bathroom I see Mr. Knox holding the boy by the shirt and up against the wall.

Without even thinking I plunge the sword into his back.

* * *

( Percy's POV )

This dude needs some serious deodorant.

The monster has his hands on my shirt, pushing down, trying to crush my ribs. Suddenly his eyes widened and he burst into yellow powder. Panting harshly I look up and the kid—(Y/N)?—is holding a bloody Riptide in their shaking hands.

"Oh my god, oh my god..." They muttered, dropping the sword with a clang.

"Hey- kid, kid. It's okay. He's dead." I said, grabbing and turning Riptide back into a pen.

"What the fuck was that? Am I hallucinating?" They asked, though before I could answer, Annabeth, Leo, Piper and Jason came sprinting around the corner.

Looking at the body on the floor Annabeth mumbles something rude about Laistrygonian giants before turning to check on me.

Leo was by the kid on the floor and called for Piper. (Y/N) was sitting against the wall, staring at the body on the floor.

Piper knelt down in front of the kid—they couldn't be more than 14 years old.

"Hey, (Y/N) right?" They looked up at that. "We need to get out of here, but once we are somewhere safer my friends and I will explain everything, okay?" Piper offered them a hand and smiled. She wasn't using her charmspeak but the kid still took her hand and got up.

* * *

( Readers POV )

The five older teenagers lead me to a diner near the school—we took the long way to avoid any cops cars. We sat in a booth in the corner, the nice girl with braids in her hair sat to my right while the blonde boy with glasses sat on her right. Sitting in front of me there's a scrawny guy with curly dark brown hair, next to him was the blonde scary girl with grey eyes and the black haired boy—Percy, that's what scary girl called him—sat next to her.

"So." I started, still looking at my shaking hands on the table. "You said you'd explain?" They all looked at each other for a moment before scary girl talked.

"I'm Annabeth Chase, this is my boyfriend Percy Jackson, this is L-"

"Leo Valdez, Bad boy supreme." Scrawny guy grinned. Ignoring him Annabeth continued.

"The girl next to you is Piper McLean and he's Jason Grace." I smiled and nodded at them.

"Uh well- I'm (Y/N) (L/N). You already knew that though didn't you?" I muttered, face going red. "Okay, uh hi. Can you tell me what happened now?"

* * *

" Greek mythology—gods, demigods, monsters—the whole deal... is real?" I asked the group, head in my hands. "And I'm a demigod?"

"Pretty much yeah." Percy answered. Piper piped (heh) up.

"It's okay to feel scared about it, we all get it." I like her. Lifting my head up and looking at them, all of them except for Leo seemed sympathetic. He's stuffing his face with tacos.

"Why are there so many of you?" I asked.

"When a god and a mortal love each other very much-" Annabeth kicked Leo from under the table. "What do you mean?" She asked.

"Why are there five of you coming to get me?"

"Actually there should be seven of us, the other two will be here in-" Before Leo could finish the news cut on.

A photo of my face appears next to the reporter with the the big red words 'MISSING' underneath.

"Police are currently searching the school grounds for the student—(Y/N) (L/N)—who was called to the office moments before the shooter entered the building. We ask that if you see her you contact the Detroit Police Department immediately. Security camera footage will be released into the hands of the detectives soon. Police suspect that foreign languages teacher, Hector Knox, was either abducted or working with the shooter. Back to you Ray."
Crap, I need to call my Dad. He's probably freaking out. As if on cue my phone started ringing, before any of the others could stop me I answered and put it up to my ear.


"(Y/N)? Where the hell are you?" Annabeth must have heard him because before I could answer she grabbed the phone and put it up to her own ear.

"Mr. (L/N), there's no need to worry your daughter is perfectly safe." With that Annabeth hung up and handed the phone back to me.

"He might not know your Mom is a goddess, don't know how he'll react. Better to know you're alive and safe than dead with a psychopath." With a glare I looked down at my phone. I'll call him later. Tell him what's going on.

"You didn't answer my question before. Why did so many of you come to get me?" If I looked up I'd see their exchanged glances before Leo answered.

"'Cause unfortunately you being a demigod and monsters being real was the good part." Looking up at him I raised an eyebrow in a silent question. If monsters trying to kill me is the good part what the hell is the bad part?

Leo looked at Piper as if to say I'm not telling them, that's all you. With a glare from Piper, Leo raised his hands in surrender then turned to me and smiled grimly.

"Well, long story but... the prophecy girl at our camp—Rachel—basically told us that everyone is gonna like, die in a war if we don't do something about. 'We' includes us five, Frank and Hazel—the people joining us soon—and... you! Surprise!"

Kinda a weird note to end it on but I was not having a good day lmao. Anyway uhhhhhhh hope u enjoyed, have fun, critiques appreciated

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