eats too much

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Pie. It’s sweet, and simple, and for this story it's the main event.

Pie. To be more specific it was cherry pie, but it's what got louis and harry togther 5 years ago, it's what made them friends, flat mates, lovers, and finally boyfriends.


louis had always compared harry's lip to the colour of cherry, no matter how cheesy it may sound, louis still thinks it's true, plus who doesn’t want a little cheesy into their life, well that was what louis and harry's relationship was based on.

it was cheesy, how they met. louis had just picked up his pizza, he was on his way back home when he knocked into something hard, which caused his pizza to fly off his arm and land on the ground. he looked up and found the most beautiful eyes starring right at him, the boy had apologized to louis frantically, and even offered louis to cook for him, and who was louis to deny food, seeing he was still a collage student, living on his own. louis had accepted the offer and took harry back to his tiny flat.

harry had gone all out, making the two of them pasta, baked chicken, and louis' personal favorite, cherry pie.

the boys had got on so well with each other after that day, it wasn't as they were random strangers, but best pals.


it took 6 months for the boys until they finally moved togther. harry had asked louis to move in with him, after he baked him his cherry pie, and louis could never say no to this boy, so he took a last bite and nodded his head.

it took another 6 months for the two to become boyfriends. harry had baked his pie, and waited for louis to get home from his evening classes. the moment louis walked in, the smell of harry's pie caught his nose, so he, like the excited big kid he is, ran to the kitchen and hugged harry and thanked him for the pie. while louis was eating, harry was thinking about the right time to ask him to be his boyfriend, and there is never a better time than when louis is eating his pie. harry finally asked the later to be his boyfriend, and the older had said yes.


now five years later, the boys were still happily together.

it was Christmas time, and louis had thought long and hard of what to get his boyfriend. after searching the internet for long hours, he stumbled upon a holiday cook book, but in fact harry wouldn't need it, he is one of the best cooks, and no cook book can beat his original recipes. but harry had cooked for louis all those year, and the least louis could do is make Christmas lunch for both his and Harry’s family as a thank you to the boy he loves.

Louis began preparing a week before Christmas. he went out and bought over 5 different cook books, and spent his night reading to find just the perfect recipe. he had sent invitation cards to both their families who had agreed to come, but insisted on bringing something. Louis' mum wanted to bring the casseroles, veggies and salads, while Harry’s

mum had wanted to bring the roast, which made it easier on Louis who had the cooking skills of a 10 year old, so he had decided to make appetizers and dessert. After the long and tedious search he had finally came up with; Santa hat pretzels, a mini sausage wreathe, and mini cupcakes with elves placed on top of each one.


It was finally Christmas eve and, and Louis had left early that morning to do his grocery shopping while Harry was still asleep. He got all he needed from the super market and rushed back home to start making the food.

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