sick on date

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By Stylinson_forever5

Harry's p.o.v.

"Are you ready Harry?" Louis asked through the phone. "Um yeah pretty much," I said, because I was, mostly. "Well I got finished a little early at recording so we could go ahead and go now," he said. "Yeah, okay," I held the phone away from me to cough. "Yeah that's fine. I'll just be on my way," I said, swallowing down another cough. "Okay, see you in a few love," he said, I could hear him smiling. "Okay, bye," I said, somewhat strained. "Bye," I hung up as soon as soon words were out of his mouth, and fell into a coughing heap on the couch. I'd sort of had a feeling I was getting sick for the past few days. You know, the sore throat, thirstiness, and headaches that come before a cold. When I woke up today though, Louis was already gone, and I was sick as hell. This wasn't your typical cold. No this was much worse. This was my head pounding so hard I could barely see. This was coughing so violently that I had to take my inhaler. This was the room spinning so bad I had to hold onto the wall to walk to the bathroom. Several hours later, while I was lying on the couch with a Kleenex box and a blanket, coughing my lungs up, that I remembered Louis and I were going out to dinner tonight. Any normal person would have called, saying they were sick, cancelled and rescheduled, but I wasn't a normal person. I was an international popster who doesn't have any time for going on dates, so tonight was pretty much it. When Louis had called, I really had been mostly ready. I had on dress pants and a red button up with a blazer, and the only pair of dress shoes I own. All I had to do was yank at my curls until they fell into something that looked somewhat decent, and then I headed to the Olive Garden, where we were meeting.

Louis' p.o.v.

I got there before Harry. I wasn't surprised really. Just because r said he was ready, doesn't mean he was actually ready. So in other words he probably wasn't. "Table for two," I told the waitress. "Alright, that will be just a minute sir," she told me. I took a step back to let the next person up to the podium. A few minutes later Harry walked in, his face brightening when he saw me. "You're looking sharp," I said, smirking. "You're not too bad yourself" he said, also smirking. Just then the waitress came and took us out table was ready, and we followed her to a small table with two chairs towards the back of the restaurant. I ordered a diet coke and Harry just got a water. I thought that was a bit weird since he always gets Dr. Pepper. "You okay?" I asked. "What? Oh yeah I'm fine," he said smiling. I frowned. His smile was fake. He's hiding something, and I'm going to find out what it is. He cleared his throat, and when he caught me looking at him, his cheeks flushed a little. "Um, I’ll be right back," he said. "We just got here," I frowned. "I'm sorry, nature calls," he said, winking at me and walking towards the bathroom. I rolled my eyes. What a weirdo. I heard somebody in the bathroom sounding like they were hacking up a lung. Poor thing. I wondered who it was, but it would be creepy to watch people come out of the bathroom and stare at them to see if they were sick or not. Then Harry came and sat back down just as the waitress walked up. Harry and I both ordered the fettuccini Alfredo and some breadsticks. "Ehm, so how was recording?" Harry asked. "It was fine. I started one of the songs you helped write," I smiled at him. "Ooh which one?" he asked, wide eyed. "Through the dark," I said. "Oh, yeah, that wasn't my best one," "I think it's great," I said. And so the conversation continued, just us making small talk, something we don't do much anymore. See he records in the evening and I record in the morning. So I go to bed before he gets home and then I leave before he gets up, so we honestly don't see each other much with the current schedule. "Um, just a second Lou," he said, getting up quickly and walking towards the bathroom. Alright what is his problem? He peed 25 minutes ago how could he possibly have to go again? Buzz buzz. Ugh who is texting me? Oh. Well what? Harry? I opened the message. 'Can you come to the bathroom?''Umm sure... Why?' I replied. 'Just come, hurry' he responded. I got up and quickly walked towards the bathroom, pushing the door open and stepping inside. There, sitting on a small bench in the bathroom, was Harry. He looked downright awful. He was hunched over, coughing (Harry was the one I heard hacking earlier), his face pale and sweaty, his hands shaking, and he seemed to be gasping for air. "My god Harry!" I exclaimed, sitting down next to him. "Can't - cough - breathe - gasp - inhaler - cough cough - pocket" he choked on his words. I reached into his pocket and pulled out the inhaler, holding it to his lips and giving him one, two puffs, until he calmed down a bit. "There there love, you're alright," I shushed, pulling him to my chest and rocking him. "Mmm Louis," he moaned. "Let’s go home hun," I said, stroking his hair. I slid my arm around his waist, helping him stand up and walk back over to our table. I called a waitress over and handed her a 50 dollar bill. "Keep the change," I said politely, before leading Harry out of the restaurant. I helped him into my car, deciding we could come get his later. He coughed most of the way home, and the whole way into our house, and the whole time I was getting him cough medicine. Finally, his cough calmed down a little bit. I helped him lay down on the couch, propping him up with several pillows, before climbing in behind him. "Why didn't you tell me you were sick?" I asked softly. "Didn't wanna ruin our date," he mumbled against me. "You wouldn't have ruined it Hazza, anytime I spend with you is great no matter what. "Louis I don't feel good," he whined. "I know. I love you," I said. "I love you too," he mumbled sleepily. Then I pressed a light kiss into his curls, and let my head fall against his, drifting to sleep.

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