On the Poles | Mavin

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words: 1836

summary: Michael doesn't get paid enough at RT, so he works the bar facing the female side at a strip club most nights. One day he goes in and the divider making sure he can't see the male strippers is gone, and he recognizes a familiar boi.


It had been a busy day at work for Michael. First they filmed a two-parter GTAV video, then a Minecraft video, then he had a little lunch break before having to go on the RT Podcast. Michael was so ready to go back to his apartment and lay down on his bed for the night.

But he couldn't.

Michael got back to his apartment, and instead of laying on his bed, he went to his closet and pulled out a nicer outfit than the tee-shirt, jeans, and beanie he had been wearing all day. After he changed and went to the bathroom, Michael got in his car and drove to the nearby strip club.

In all honesty, Michael did not think he was getting paid enough at Achievement Hunter. And he didn't mind serving drinks to guys facing the same way he was, towards the female strippers. The way the club was set up was that you walk in and straight ahead is the double sided bar. Then to your right is the female strippers and to your left is the male strippers. Michael worked part time nights at the female side of the bar, while his co-worker, Parker, worked on the male side.

It was a new week, and Michael was relieved to see the tarp gone from the mirror dividing the two bars. He was not as relieved when he went behind the counter and noticed that the mirror was gone too. 

"What the hell?"

Parker turned around, "I know right? Kinda pisses me off that I can see the girls, ya know, since I'm not gay and also since one of my friends is usually up there."

"Yah, but why did they do this though?"

"Boss said it was too much money to buy a new one and the old one was so stained, we couldn't keep it."


Michael wasn't mad about this for the same reason Parker was. Michael was mad because, even if he hadn't told anyone, he was bisexual.

All night, Michael caught himself glaring to the other side of the bar, only to be stopped by older men asking for more drinks.

Then, about an hour into Michael's shift, a group of all of the strippers went backstage to take a break while the next rotation came out.

Usually, this is the point where Michael would get tired, because most men waited until then to grab drinks, but he wasn't tonight. He was still glancing over to the other side of the club, taking in all the new male strippers that had just walked out.

Some were more built than the others, some had more tattoos, some seemed to have massive packages, but only one had a slightly large member beneath a really hairy chest that led up to a smooth face with a large nose and messy dirty blond hair, and oh my god.

"Gavin?!" Michael let out on accident, but low enough that no one that cared heard him.

Michael turned back around, face reddening, to ask the straight men what drinks they wanted.

He couldn't stop looking back, though.


Right before Michael's shift was up, the strippers switched around again, and he noticed Gavin was one of the males to go backstage.

Then it was 12:00am and Michael was done for that night.

As he was walking out of the door, he noticed some men walking out the back door, and among them was Gavin wearing his "touch my awesome button" shirt and jeans. Michael didn't know if he wanted to call Gavin over, or pretend this never happened. But he chose to ignore it for now.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2020 ⏰

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