CHAPTER 9- The Enigma

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[↑ Katipunan's siblings + Del and Martial art by Meh (no digi art, since my phone is full)]


I was seating in my chair in my own office, I just finish calling North as the people wanting my sister death is getting more cunning.

I need to make sure Pia is safe and not harmed, I can't trust the people in that school and I the head of the assassination is still unknown. I can't risk anything.

North is a very good partner, with his connections and brains I'm sure I can trust him to look after Pia at the sometime taking care or the trash.

I massage my temples as I look at the files we have collected to the spies we have caught, but everything is still haven't lined up.

"At this point we can't pin point he leader if this kept going" I said. I haven't slept for probably a few days now, if we still haven't found out who is behind this assassination our family will soon fall to our downfall and the country of the Philippines will be wiped out and same guess to our family name.

I need more info now. I bite my thumb as I tried to think of a tactic to make the spy we just caught 2 days, he's probably the 6th spy the we have caught after my sister goes to the stupid school.

I ring the bell to call our butler Juan, immediately I heard a knock and the door opened entering Juan and bowed.

"Young Master, is there something you need?" he asked "The bastard is he still not talking?"

"Apparently Young Master, he still stubborn and kept his mouth shut up. We even try different method but it he still didn't talk" Juan explained. Tsk, what a pain in the ass.

"I'll go there and make him talk, whether he like it or not" I said and we go down on the basement and enter the big door where we put all the spies or traitors and we torture them.

I get into one of the cell where our the spy was put in, the cell where he is was guarded by 4 armed guards and a electrical bars to prevent them from escaping. I stand infront of him and look at him, he was full of bruise and cuts. The floor of the cell has dried and fresh blood on them, I seated on the chair that was in front of him.

"So your still not gonna talk?" I stood there as I wait for this bastard to talk. Tsk! he's wasting my time, I just want to kill him already.

"I'm getting more and more impatience here!" I said with full authority. "Like I told you, I was just ordered by a group and that group just happened to be also ordered by someone who is higher to them!" The spy said.

So there is a group that ordered this bastard over here to assassinate my sister. But it seem like that group also is ordered by a powerful force but who is it, ever time we discovered something the investigation always goes deeper and getting harder. If we don't hurry up Pia will be more get danger since this investigation just leading as to death end.

But this is getting to nowhere since he mouth is still shout and so stubborn to tell who is this group.

"So who is this group that order you then? Care to explain" I said and look at him coldly, he avoided my eyes and look at the other direction. I guess that a no, well you leave me no choice.

"Juan, the folder" I said and Juan gave me the folder, the contains of this folder is about this bastard's personal info. Wonder how I get this much information, I'm the infamous Tyrant Martial Law I have my ways to make those people who messes to my family suffer.

"Say, I wonder. If you will talk if I did something to your very lovely children?" I said and took the photo of his children and show it to him. He look at me like his blood has been drained.

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