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After the capital of Lython was taken, the droid armies were ordered back to the outskirts to regroup at the outposts. With the Jedi general dead, Nark was now in charge of the remaining armies till a new Jedi arrived. The Clone Commando offered assistance on leading an army which Nark was more than grateful for.

"Should we push towards them or let them come back to us?" Nark asked looking through a pair of silver electrobinoculars. The green screen inside them showed heat signatures for all the droids amassed in the hills. Many had gotten away despite the bombardment AT-TE walkers laid on them.

"This is a difficult call. We risk high casualties marching towards their base and we risk equal casualties for waiting on an invasion." The Commando responded. Nark sighed, lowering the binoculars and walking across the room.

"A bombing run will mean we get back to our other mission faster, Commando." Nark said as he placed an order into a communications device for a bombing run. The commando turned over to Nark and nodded.

"Agreed." The Commando said placing his helmet on the hologram projecting table in the center of the room. "We know it wasn't anyone of our personnel and the droid commander died before we could crack him open so that only leaves multiple options." The Commando sighed.

"Let me call my CO, see what he feels we should do." Nark suggested, approaching the projector. He walked over to the dial panel and began contacting the Special Operations Department on Coruscant.

A squadron of Y-Wing bombers ran through the tree line. Nark watched as the droid outposts were turned to scrap piles. The trees were blown apart as well, collapsing and turning to ash within seconds. The commando next to him watched in awe as the droid lines were demolished.

"Good work, sir." The Commando said looking over to Nark who was waiting at the hologram table. Nark smiled.

"Thanks, uh..."

"It's Raine, sir. Raine." The Commando said confidently. "Individuality is important on the battlefield, trust me." Raine said as he walked over and patted Nark on the shoulder. "This not working?" He asked.

"No, just a connection error." Nark said as he looked at the screen in front of him. He typed into it, hoping to get Zyka to appear on the communicator faster. He looked over to Raine who was approaching the maintenance panel opposite of the screen. Nark watched as the clone punched the metal twice before it flicked on. Zyka was standing there in all his glory. The scar that covered half his crave was muted by the blue projection.

"Nark." Zyka said looking down at the Colonel. "I should've known ya needed my help with this operation. How bad is it truly?" The Spec Ops Director asked.

"Well, a lightsaber killed the group. Multiple lightsabers." Nark said. Zyka smirked and nodded.

"Do ya think it's rogue Jedi?" Zyka asked. Nark shook his head.

"All sieges assets don't list a Jedi or Sith here. We might be uncovering something." Nark explained. Zyka groaned.

"You didn't discover anything. Keep this as quiet as you can. No Jedi, no senate. You understand?" Zyka's voice was full of anger and authority, which was usually his normal voice.

"Understood." Nark said.

"Report directly to me. No one else." Zyka said before killing the feed.

"Never had a CO like that before." Raine said as he walked over to Nark. Nark chuckled.

"You get used to it." Nark sighed as he walked over to the exit with Raine.


The monster from the tunnels entered a dark room only illuminated by a blue hologram of Count Dooku. Behind the hologram was a Mandalorian warlord with his head tilted downwards. The monster approached Dooku's hologram and bowed before rising again.

"General Grievous." Dooku said calmly. The monster looked into the fuzzy hologram. Now illuminated by the light as well, the monster was none other than General Grievous of the Droid Army. His skeleton like appearance and silhouette gave him a skeletal look.

"Yes, Count Dooku?" Grievous asked. His voice was raspy and had an unsettling echo.

"How goes your battle, General?" Dooku asked.

"The clones are without a leader and our numbers still remain, but the city is lost." Grievous responded. Dooku nodded lightly.

"Did you reveal yourself to the Jedi?" Dooku asked. Grievous negatively shook his head.

"The Jedi and their Commanders died by my hands in an ambush. Soon I shall show the Republic true terror." Grievous' voice was laced with anticipation and amplified by triumph.

"No, General. It is far too early. The Republic must be caught off guard and wounded by you, not ready." Dooku explained. "Await further orders and contact me if you are pushed back again. The 7th Battalion is moving in to assist you." Dooku then turned to the Mandalorian. "Have you planned a counterstrike, General Karoff?" He asked. The Mandalorian stepped into the light, chuckling.

"I don't think the General has clearance to here it." Karoff teased. "I shall speak with you privately..."

Nark walked into a dim lit room. He pressed a button on his wrist gauntlet, illuminating the area with a green light. On the screen behind him was a map of the nearby terrain and markers for where every droid outpost was or no longer was. In front of Nark was a group of clone commandos and high ranking clone troopers. Raine was amongst them, sitting alongside his other three squad mates. Riley was a commando with all black and a white splash onto his helmet. The clone named Lex was next to Riley and wore red and white armor, the most standard of all the soldiers. Lastly, to Raine's right was Mud. Mud wore tan and brown markings all over his armor. Everyone behind them was a commander on the operation.

"Hello, everyone. Welcome back from The Battlefront. My name is Colonel Nark Malcom of the Republic Special Operations Department." Nark said introducing himself.

"Ya wearin' our armor and not being a clone? Ya got a pair on ya, boy." Lex chuckled. Nark rolled his eyes at the comment.

"Before I arrived, your Jedi leader was killed and it wasn't by any droid. The Separatists have a secret weapon and we need to uncover it." Nark began his briefing. "So, you all have high level clearance on this operation. I am acting in place of your Jedi until another is assigned, and you're all still remaining in rank besides Raine. Raine, you've become by second in command. You all have debriefing packets in your quarters on the Jedi's death. It is our mission to find it, understand?"

"Yes sir." The collective before him shouted.

"If you have any questions, report to me." Nark said calmly. After a moment of silence, he nodded. "Dismissed."

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