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Fyi, the videos that I 'usually' put on the top is basically for you to listen to. Has absolutely nothing to do with the story, hehe!

Izuku's POV

Katsuki and I just stared at each other. 'This is so awkwardddd...' I began rubbing the back of my neck. I opened my mouth to say something, anything, hoping that it would break the uncomfortable silence, but to no avail. I started fidgeting with my one-sided cross-shaped earing that I recently bought.

The silence stayed for a few more seconds, until Katsuki decided to break it. "This is stupid. I wouldn't have accepted to talk to you if I knew you were just going to waste my time." He complained harshly. I suddenly felt a wave of annoyance hit me when he said that. 'Why does he need to be so mean all the time?'

"Wow, I almost forgot how much of an asshole you were, Kacchan." I smirked unintentionally, earning a glare from Katsuki. I saw his eyes burn with anger as I glared back at him. He looked at me with a stern look that's just screaming "The nerve of you..."

I leaned in on him and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. His angry expression soon turned flustered and his face suddenly turned redder than a rose, and by the heat I felt on my face, so did mine. I did a full 180°, making my back face him. I looked down in embarrassment.

"T-thank you..for yesterday." I stuttered, glancing at Katsuki constantly. Katsuki's eyes widened and he let out a barely noticeable smile. It surprised me when he smiled. I turned my head to him and smiled back at him, but with a bigger smile.

"No problem, stupid Deku." You could hear the smirk in his voice from a mile away.

When I reached home, I went straight to my room and plopped on my bed. 'I've never felt that before...it feels..warm..and comfortable...' I smiled at the thought.

2 Months Later

I was just sitting on my bed, thinking. Katsuki and I haven't talked in 2 months.. I don't know when I started to care, but I somehow grew attached to Katsuki, enough to be 'worried' for him. So, to get my thoughts off of him, I started..murdering. I tried to stop after the first time, but it's become a habit now, actually, and it's quite the fun activity! I began thinking more of my mother's death. "I wonder if the same thing would happen to Katsuki..." I pondered for a moment.

Suddenly, I heard my room door slide open. It was Uncle Eyugi. "Izuku, are you okay?" He started by asking a simple question, but I could tell there was more to it. I just stared at him blankly, which made him more worried. Trying to keep his composure, he sat beside me. "Izuku, if there's something bothering you, you can talk to me." He assured. My eyes were now stuck to him. My stare soon turned into a glare.

"I don't need your pity." He was surprised, I could tell by the expression he had on his face. "Uncle Eyugi," I started, getting up from my bed. I then stood right in front of him. "Would you support me, even if I'm a villain?" I said nonchalantly, tilting my head to the side. His expression changed into a reaction of pure shock and worry. I couldn't help but smirk at him.

"Izuku..what are you implying?" He asked, I could hear the worry in his voice grow.

I had grown quite the name for myself, Infamous, if you will. I broke the world record of 'fastest villain to rise to the top' in just 2 months. I am known as 'Shōki'. No one has ever discovered my identity yet. Well, not until now.

"Uncle Eyugi, have you heard of that new infamous villain that rose to the top in a matter of specifically 2 months?" I asked with a big smile on my face. Uncle Eyugi raised an eyebrow. "You know...Shōki?" His eyes widened. He stood up from the bed.

"Don't tell me, you're..?" I smirked. I nodded slightly. Uncle Eyugi let out a gasp and fell to the floor. 'What the fuck?' I was confused, but then Uncle Eyugi started gasping for air repeatedly and gripping tightly on his shirt. He gripped somewhere near his... 'Holy shit. He's having a heart attack!" I screamed at my idiotic self. I kneeled down to him and inspected him. I didn't know what to do, they never taught us this at school!

Then a light bulb lit in my head. I wanted to slap myself so badly at that moment.

With that thought, I immediately grabbed my phone out of my pocket and dialed 119.

After the ambulance arrives

I pretended to cry as Uncle Eyugi got sent away in an ambulance. I knew I should really be sad, but for some reason, I wasn't. I wasn't sad or distressed at all. I just wanted to get the situation dealt and over with...I decided to go to the hospital Uncle Eyugi was emitted in. Although, I didn't care, Uncle Eyugi knows my secret. If he spills, when he wake up, it would be bad.

It wasn't my decision, but if Uncle Eyugi choose to defy me, I would have to kill him.

Time skip

When I reached the hospital, I noticed a familiar blonde male sitting on a chair outside Uncle Eyugi's hospital room.

"Kacchan!" I exclaimed with my usual cheerful tone. Katsuki immediately turned his head to me. "Deku..." He whispered under his breath, but I heard it loud and clear. I walked over to him again sat beside him.

Katsuki opened his mouth to say something, but I cut him off. "How have you been these past 2 months, Kacchan?" I asked. Though, my cheerful tone was gone. My voice was stern, with a hint of anger. Katsuki flinched a bit, since during the 2 months we were apart, he had not heard my voice.

"I'm sorry...Izuku..." W o a h . That's new. 'Does he know what that means? Since when was that in his dictionary?' I was so confused, I didn't even know I was showing it. Katsuki's cheeks turned light red. "D-don't get used to it, NERD!" He averted my gaze. I snickered at the unexpected experience. He looked back at me and attempted to punch me. I was alarmed by this, so much so, I prepared myself to punch back. We both got stopped by a door opening beside Katsuki.

A nurse! "Uh...am I interrupting something?" She asked, cautiously backing away. Katsuki and I noticed this and stood up from our seats.

"No, no! Not at all!" I said, waving my hands. "We were just having a friendly quarrel." I smiled brightly at her, it seemed to put her in ease.

"Is Uncle Eyugi alright?" Katsuki asked, surprisingly calm. 'I guess he could be nice if he really wanted to.' I shot him a warm smile that made him falter slightly. 'Oh? A weakness...' I giggled.

Katsuki and I entered the room to see Uncle Eyugi laying on the bed. He was looking out the window, most likely deep in thought. 'I have to get Katsuki out of here somehow...' I looked at Uncle Eyugi with a stern look.

I walked up to him and placed my hand on his shoulder. He was startled at first, but calmed down almost immediately. He looked at me with worry, then glanced at Katsuki.

"Katsuki, dear, could you exit the room?" Katsuki looked up and nodded at Uncle Eyugi, he then exited the room quietly.

After he was gone, I leaned onto Uncle Eyugi. "You mustn't tell anyone about me." Might as well be as straight forward as possible. Uncle Eyugi smiled at me. "I promised your mother I would always take care of you." He took a deep breath. "Just don't get into trouble, alright?"

It was quiet for a while, I just stared blankly at him. I closed my eyes and nodded. I smirked and took a knife out my pocket. Uncle Eyugi was startled at my sudden act. "It's a deal if you promise not to tell anyone about me."

Word Count: 1395

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